While this is all new and your building it up with new up-comings, I will take this time to also offer a little help if anyone needs it. Example of Banner below. this was just a test. As far as Advertising AdlandPro, try doing some detailed searches to find out what people are asking, how they are asking, and what they are using to find Free Advertising.
Example: If you are using fancy sayings and subject lines that are not being used to get advertising then you are probably not hitting the thousands that are using search engines to find Free Advertising.
Another Example: Keyword research will tell you with putting in keywords on how many people are using that set of keywords. Try different examples and rearranging them and after some time you will see what the most used and in what order they are using. Use that information by creating your subject lines and headers with description with articles, Ads, and other resources may have some impact.

Hi Mark,
These are some good points you have mentioned, here.
We recently sent out an email from me, the affiliate manager, with some ads that have been tested and that pull. Members need to take those ads as a starting point to get their affiliate links out there, but then they need to use them as brainstorming aids to come up with their own, unique ads which are much more effective than everybody simply cutting and pasting the same ads.
Regarding the banners, fancy, animated ones can be very effective, but for most places, a 468 by 60 static banner with a message that stands out is most effective in drawing clicks.
This is especially important for folks who are using CMS like Wordpress, where anything wider starts to run over into either the left or right columns, depending on which style they choose, and anything taller tends to take up a bit too much of that all-important first window (the part you see without scrolling).
Also, now that mobile has become SO popular, simple, low band width graphics that will fit the screen on the major smartphones, while displaying a CLEAR call to action are very important.
Larger banners and graphics, if the resolution is kept as low as possible to maintain image quality, WITH ALT TEXT, can make a very effective splash or landing page.
Mark, I would really like to see some ideas for splash pages. The idea you put up for the POTM is kind of what I'm thinking. It can have even less information on it, since it is a call to action for a person to click through to the main Adlandpro Member/Affiliate area.
We should keep in mind the kind of visual experience the person clicking through is going to have when they get to Adlandpro from a splash page, so as to make it as seamless a transition as possible, while not losing any of the WOW factor that a splash page calls for.
Keep it going! I am liking the ideas I'm seeing, and will be keeping track. All these things are going to be helpful for affiliates.
God bless,