I was talking to a friend the other day about how to write a post to people about #Adlandpro in a way that would be unique, interesting and with a "no sales" approach.
As many of you know Or should know by now, when it comes to blogging or anything to do with social media, people are not into sales and yet if you are promoting something, then you need to learn how to market in a way that will provide quality and having your own voice.
I started off by asking him to write down how he saw #Adlandpro and here are a few words he used:
social browsing
traffic exchange
social interaction
social networking
I then took the phrase "social networking" and dug down to see where that would lead. How did I do that? Without going into an in depth keyword search, I decided to go a bit easy and find out how "real" people are searching about social networking and here is how I did that. If you look at the image below ( did a screen shot) I typed in the words social networking and if you will see the phrases below, this is what Google is seeing people search for on that term ( this can be done with any word or phrase btw)
I decided to use the phrase " social network definition" ( which unfortunately I could not capture - dang!) as that is what people are looking to get an answer on and then typed that phrase into Google Search and did some reading of the different explanations and came across a video that was (to me) ideal.
I then formed a post and it went like this ( Example post)
"Title: What is Social Networking and what does that mean for Adlandpro
I have noticed a lot of people wanting to know the definition of social networking and for many there seems to be a lot of confusion or not understanding. Is it a bird a plane..what the heck is it?
There have been times when I couldn't figure it out until I saw this video from Common Craft which gave me my AHA moment and decided that sharing with you would help you also understand ( you can thank me later...lol)
In other words - Social networking = people and connecting!
While we all connect on the big places of Facebook G+ and maybe Twitter, I have to say that my best connecting has been done on Adlandpro ( put in your affiliate link). No its not the biggest place on the web, but I have to say that it is a community where I have built the best connections with people from around the world and even locally to where I live and to me that is awesome!
What are some of the advantages to social networking on #Adlandpro at least from my point of view?
1. I have made some very good friends that I would love to meet one day
2. Because I am in business, I can share what I do with others who are open minded and want to talk about marketing and business
3. If I have any problems, the customer support is attentive and will actually do something ( Facebook, Twitter and G+ can be a real headache)
4. Because Adlandpro has its own affiliate program, you can leverage extra income
Personally You could not pay me to leave #Adlandpro and that is my personal feeling!
BTW and in the interests of being totally transparent, the link you see here is my affiliate link. The great thing is you can join for free..socialize and I will be there to help you another benefit to social networking... #justsaying
With this example post what did I do?
- I provided information that people were looking for
- I showed that I was credible in saying that this was my affiliate link
- I gave reasons why I liked this community from my own viewpoint
- I took some of the USP points that I had thought about earlier and made a dialogue to people
Did I sell anything? Only you can decide!
P.S Thanks to Ken Wolff who was the friend I had been talking to about this process and I hope it gives everyone some ideas on how to create content for anything you are doing including talking about Adlandpro