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RE: Should POTW be Changed to POTM
2/2/2013 1:37:06 PM
While I do like the idea of changing this to POTM, if I'm being honest then the POTW & POTY is one of the things that brings me to and keeps me coming back to ALP as I do find it very exciting and great for the community. So with that said, I actually voted no. Thanks!
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Nellie .

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RE: Should POTW be Changed to POTM
2/2/2013 4:26:29 PM
Hi POTW, I voted yes. Great job! Nellie
Jim Allen

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RE: Should POTW be Changed to POTM
2/3/2013 11:03:03 PM
My Vote has been cast as well. I like the idea of POTM and think 5 nominees is a good number for candidates. How do you feel about the number of candidates?

Hello Adlanders,

First our apologies for delays on getting 2013 POTW Awards moving forward. We had a period after the holidays where, illnesses and life events slowed many of us down. That time has passed and its time to move forward. Thanks for your support.

We have been having discussions in the POTW Feedback thread and it has been suggested that the POTW "Person of the Week" to POTM "Person of the Month". So we have decided to put up to you for a vote, via our polling system here at AdlandPro.

The Question is:

Should the POTW "Person of the Week" be changed to POTM "Person of the Month"? Yes or No


Please cast your vote by Wednesday 2-6-2013 This way we can begin on Thursday.

Nominate your choice to be a candidate in our next Award Event

Have a Great Weekend!


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: Should POTW be Changed to POTM
2/3/2013 11:13:16 PM
Hi Jim

5 Per Month to me is just about right for now.If adlandpro this year goes to where we hope it'll go than we can always change things up down the road.We have an
Abundance of nominees for POTM
I vote 5 per month for POTM.


Patricia Bartch

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RE: Should POTW be Changed to POTM
2/4/2013 12:30:18 AM
i voted yes

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