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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Can you help me get views on YOUTUBE please.
1/31/2013 1:00:47 AM
I think it is the size of the pic. or something I might try a new one. Thansk again!! hope your day was easy!!

I guess it depends on the definition of Lets see I was busy and then busier and then even more busy, but I am slowing down now...soon time to relax after I do just a few things more... hmmmm maybe I am a bit of a workaholic? naaaaaa
RE: Can you help me get views on YOUTUBE please.
2/1/2013 6:02:59 AM

I think your video was very good! I think that the more likes you get the better the video will get around. This will get you noticed. Also post your link to youtube into facebook or twitter. You may start seeing results.

All the Best


Mr. D

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RE: Can you help me get views on YOUTUBE please.
2/1/2013 11:53:13 AM
Yes, I can help

Thanks so much for your feedback. It means a lot. I am having issues getting apicture on my profile not sure why but I will try again.
Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: Can you help me get views on YOUTUBE please.
2/1/2013 12:19:33 PM
Different file formate might help.

Thanks so much for your feedback. It means a lot. I am having issues getting apicture on my profile not sure why but I will try again.

I have noted a few people in the past having that issue. maybe ask Mark about it if you are still having problems. The learning center is a great place for people to go when they are needing help and I happen to know that Mark loves to

Eddy Dickinson

22 Posts
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RE: Can you help me get views on YOUTUBE please.
2/20/2013 2:25:56 AM
Hello Mary,I went on YouTube and viewed your video.To your Success