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Re: With These Rings
1/20/2006 8:44:53 PM
Good story! I lost my engagement ring in the carribean sea aprox: 20 minutes after we arrived in St. Thomas on our honeymoon. Never found.but, we got another one there for a Good price. Then he had to have his cut off his finger when a aquarium crumbled in his hand while carrying it across his fish room .So I bought him another and he was mowing a few months ago and a hornet stung him on the ring finger and he flung it off and we can't find it. Maybe we aren't meant to be ... Lol.but, we will be married 20 years on August 30th. But, I refuse to buy another ring.{OH NO! Valentines day is coming thats when I alway's buy him the ring. What to do now????? LOl
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Re: With These Rings
1/21/2006 8:55:21 AM
Marilyn, Great story. Did y'all actually move to God's country-Louisiana? I will have to use this story and apply it to my wife. She sounds like the female of your husband. I sound like you. I would like to invite you to become part of a business opportunity that will help you conquer your money problems. It is an incredible new system and there is a $12,000.00 first month potential with this system. However there are limited positions available. There is some free information that is available at your request. Email me at if you are interested and type "The Money Doctor System" in the subject line. Thanks, good luck and I hope that you have a good and prosperous day! Jules Your Money Doctor System Sponsor
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Re: With These Rings
1/21/2006 6:34:55 PM
HI Susan, Thanks so much for your comments and for stopping by. God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: With These Rings
1/21/2006 7:02:39 PM
Hello Sol, Thanks for your post. I know how difficult it can be sometimes when people are from different cultures, and even different backgrounds for that matter. I was brought up in a very old-fashioned home. My mother waited on my father hand and foot, and she did the same for us kids. For example, we never were allowed to get a drink out of the refrigerator ourselves, my mother got it for us. When my Dad would come home after work, dinner would be on the table, and then we would all sit down to eat. I am, or I was, the same way with my ex-husband. I am not a big woman's libber...I do believe if a woman wants to work construction she should be able to, and woman should get paid the same as a man for the same type of work. Other than that though, I am happy with my role as a woman. Everyone has there own way of being, and that's okay too! The reason I mentioned that is because my ex-husband's family was different than mine. My mother-in-law used to tell me I spoiled my husband because I waited on him hand and foot. I also relate to other cultures because I was with a man from Sudan for 7 years. Even though we were both Muslim, and I can speak Arabic, there were many differences. Your husband is a good husband, feel very lucky because many women can not say that! Let him know you appreciate him, it can be even little things, like leaving a note for him telling him how much you love him. Making his favorite dinner, planning a special night out for the 2 of you...whatever works for you. As far as the culture differences go, you both need to respect each others culture. You should learn about his, and he should learn about yours as well. Let him know his culture is special to you too. In my case, I had many African pictures and figurines around my home. If he speaks a different language, try to learn his language so you can speak to him in his native tongue. Most of it though just comes down to RESPECT, respect for each other's country, language, religion...everything. I hope this helps you out some. If you would like to talk to me I would love to talk. You can call me, or I can call you, just let me know and I'll give you my number in a private message. Take care and God Bless! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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Re: With These Rings
1/21/2006 7:06:39 PM
HI Lee, Thanks so much for your response and for your kind words. ((HUGS)) Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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