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1/12/2006 3:58:08 AM
Hi Linda, Great one!!! It reminds me of my primary school days when teachers, some barely age 20, used to be able to do what they so desire, in teaching students from age 8-13. Some of these culprits with poor grades at mid-secondary schooling, while not able to continue to tertiary level, yet, after 3 years in training, many of these actual Idiots who had no knowledge on child psychology would - if we were to make one spelling mistake in a Precise, Composition or Literature excercise or give the wrong answer to homework on Math - take the liberty in resorting to slap us on our face, cane or even use the pointer to hit us in our tender behinds as they pleased in the name of punishment. Some of these fanatical Idiots give us 200+ Math solutions as homework that has to be passed up for correction the next day. Our after school hours were burdened with homework, homework and more homework. For each wrong answer we give we'd have to be disgraced, in front of the class, by being caned or slapped to the number of mistakes made. Many of us swore revenge should we meet one day when we survive and be grown up through their reign of terror. In fact, I had the very pleasure of meeting one many many years later when I paid a courtesy call at the office of a Director friend of mine, who I invited for lunch, where this ex-teacher happen to work. He sheepishly slipped away like a mouse to my great satisfaction!!! It was only my religious upbringing that he escaped the brand of punishment I had planned to administer, then, as a student!!! Yes!!! We were, then, taught through fear!!! We were also too fearful to relate it to our parents which was a bad mistake. It made most of us hate schooling!!! Most resort to fake illness in order to escape attending classes and some had to play traunt to avoid punishment. It's surprisingly many of us finished our education. Sorry to bring up such a subject in a Forum that aims to bring laughter to its invitees, Linda. Wanna see the scars that remain??!!! They're still fresh.....but only in my memory!!! Lol!!! Glad that it has all changed today! Educators are not allowed to now lay a hand on students. Wishing all at Adlanpro....SUCCESS!!! Yours truly, JOHNE LYE.
1/12/2006 4:55:18 AM
Hi Linda thanks Very subtley, humorous. Laughter they say is the best medicine. Your title IDIOTS is also a curiosity teaser. when I first saw It in bold, I was thinking "Hmm someone must be angry about something?" then when I opened the forum page , it turns out to be a joke? Wow what a surprise Edwin tan
Pat Lesaux

300 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
1/12/2006 5:56:33 AM
Very good Linda.
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Douglas Grounds

334 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
1/12/2006 6:01:30 AM
Thanks for the good joke Linda. Keep them coming. >>marketing tools >>The best autosurf around >>domain names >>no fee creditcard >>energy drink >>mall>shopping
Douglas Grounds
1/12/2006 6:23:17 AM
Great one! Linda.... Make it a great day, All.
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