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Dennis Clairmont

642 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: It is time to congratulate winner POTY 2012 Dennis Clairmont
1/29/2013 5:59:20 AM
Welcome back Dennis!

We have one thing in common. My first ALP feature (in Woman of Courageous - Luella May's forum) - first day when it was posted, my only younger sister has been fallen in coma, and 2 days later, she passed away.

I am sure if I didn't get so huge and positive influence from my AdlandPro friends, I could lost my mind.

What we can't change, we must learn how to cope with.
As you see, also here you are not alone.
I wish I can do anything to make you all this easier.

With warm regards,

Hi Branka

Yes Sisters have a bond deeper than anything i've ever seen.I have witnessed this really all my life with Sandy and her sister Nancy but in the last year it came shining through.Here i'm thinking that sisters are heavy duty.

Luella May Made contact with me and she is a good gal.I'm so pleased she has returned back into Adland it just adds to what seems to be going on here in the adlandpro community.One person at a time locate and invite back.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: It is time to congratulate winner POTY 2012 Dennis Clairmont
1/29/2013 3:36:12 PM
Hello Friends

I wish i could of taken the time to answer all of you great peoples post about the POTY award
And all the heart warming messages about Sandy's passing.

Since my POTY win i did find $400 in my Paypal Many thanks Bogdan
What i did is placed the POTY nominees names in a hat and picked out 1 name
Myrna Ferguson was the name i picked and i sent her $100 of my POTY winnings

I felt all nominees were so deserving that it just seemed right to share with someone as you all shared the Good and the bad these last weeks.

Adlandpro i'm back and many things that need to be done this year in adlandpro.2013 has kicked the hardest blow of my life where i had and still have so many hopes for this year.

100 Friends just since we started the 100 Friends when we started it all i had around 1600 Friends.Today i checked and i'm above 2000.The 100 Friend is our Adlandpro List and Friend Builder this will never stop as long as we stay active and do not abuse this Great Feature that Adlandpro handed to us as a Free Feature.

My next most exciting Feature i would love to see are 2 that need to be placed Back To Back.
The Adlandpro Credit Builder and Sleep mode for inactive members
I've posted this concept before and you can imagine how on target this can be for all our sent out messages in the direct Plus memberships with the free members building those credits so this will be awesome for both paid and free members.

So Adlanders Bottom Line is My Heart Felt Thanks for all you people have posted
Let's turn this Adlandpro Community into an even better winner and let nothing stop us in 2013.

Success in 13

Hi Dennis and friends,
I am glad Dennis told you about the $100 because I was going to do that. I wasn't going to except it, but then I was afraid I would hurt his feeling, so with a happy heart I except the money from Dennis. I felt honored just being nominated, but now I got to share the money. Thanks Dennis, you are a super friend, with tons of compassion for all your friends.

It is so wonderful to see old faces coming back to ALP, it surely helps ease the pain of the ones we have lost. Thank God we have the memories of our departed loved ones. because memories can ease the pain.

Dennis I am so glad you are back and are ready to go to work. We are here for you, so just yell when you need one of us, cause we will be there..

Dennis Clairmont

642 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: It is time to congratulate winner POTY 2012 Dennis Clairmont
1/30/2013 2:14:48 PM
Hello Friends

I wish i could of taken the time to answer all of you great peoples post about the POTY award
And all the heart warming messages about Sandy's passing.

Since my POTY win i did find $400 in my Paypal Many thanks Bogdan
What i did is placed the POTY nominees names in a hat and picked out 1 name
Myrna Ferguson was the name i picked and i sent her $100 of my POTY winnings

I felt all nominees were so deserving that it just seemed right to share with someone as you all shared the Good and the bad these last weeks.

Adlandpro i'm back and many things that need to be done this year in adlandpro.2013 has kicked the hardest blow of my life where i had and still have so many hopes for this year.

100 Friends just since we started the 100 Friends when we started it all i had around 1600 Friends.Today i checked and i'm above 2000.The 100 Friend is our Adlandpro List and Friend Builder this will never stop as long as we stay active and do not abuse this Great Feature that Adlandpro handed to us as a Free Feature.

My next most exciting Feature i would love to see are 2 that need to be placed Back To Back.
The Adlandpro Credit Builder and Sleep mode for inactive members
I've posted this concept before and you can imagine how on target this can be for all our sent out messages in the direct Plus memberships with the free members building those credits so this will be awesome for both paid and free members.

So Adlanders Bottom Line is My Heart Felt Thanks for all you people have posted
Let's turn this Adlandpro Community into an even better winner and let nothing stop us in 2013.

Success in 13

Hi Dennis and friends,
I am glad Dennis told you about the $100 because I was going to do that. I wasn't going to except it, but then I was afraid I would hurt his feeling, so with a happy heart I except the money from Dennis. I felt honored just being nominated, but now I got to share the money. Thanks Dennis, you are a super friend, with tons of compassion for all your friends.

It is so wonderful to see old faces coming back to ALP, it surely helps ease the pain of the ones we have lost. Thank God we have the memories of our departed loved ones. because memories can ease the pain.

Dennis I am so glad you are back and are ready to go to work. We are here for you, so just yell when you need one of us, cause we will be there..


Hi Myrna

Myrna it was my pleasure to pick your name and send you the paypal funds.
In my view you earned it your here in the community every day helping others and giving your feedback on many topics.I'm sure you put the money to good use.

RE: It is time to congratulate winner POTY 2012 Dennis Clairmont
1/30/2013 7:22:33 PM
Way to go Dennis & Myrna, congratulations for all you both do to make this community shine! Blessings, Steve
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Paula Frye

1087 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: It is time to congratulate winner POTY 2012 Dennis Clairmont
2/6/2013 4:36:53 PM
Hi Dennis,

Congratulations on being Adland Pro's Person of the Week! You have been here since 2004! Wow! That's a long time. You definitely deserve the title!


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