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RE: Before you consider MLM.... (sharing Information|not selling)
2/26/2013 5:28:14 PM
So many good points were made in this exchange and I just wanted you to know it is appreciated.
10 years with this essential oil company: Discounts = Earnings:
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Before you consider MLM.... (sharing Information|not selling)
2/26/2013 5:41:03 PM
Thanks Deb and thanks for the feedback. Since writing this post I have had a chance to do more digging and was going to get back here to add to this topic, but ..oops didn't lol
There has been a news story about about Herablife and how it is now in a battle because it is being asserted that it is a pyramid scheme.

My take on the whole issue of MLM's

I feel that far too many companies are falling down on the job of training people and people who are getting into MLM are forgetting the law and I will quote here:

In practice that means people considering buying in have to figure out on their own whether they’ll earn most of their money from recruiting more people to participate, or by selling product to the public. (From the agency: “If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan. If the money you make is based on the number of people you recruit and your sales to them, it’s not. It’s a pyramid scheme.”)

There are many solid and good companies who use MLM as a business model, but feel that people need to get a lot more educated before they make the decision to go into this kind of job.

So many good points were made in this exchange and I just wanted you to know it is appreciated.
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Before you consider MLM.... (sharing Information|not selling)
4/7/2013 2:04:48 PM
Just to let everyone know that Dave Cottrell did a great post on MLM's and one that I feel you should go and read

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Before you consider MLM.... (sharing Information|not selling)
4/7/2013 4:26:56 PM

There continue to be really good points made here and, to be fair, the case FOR MLM is stronger here than in many forums.

The failures of groups in the MLM's that I was in were hugely varied.

The travel company that I joined failed to realise that freebies are part of the International Travel Agent's perks. Why are they. Because if you are to really understand how good a holiday or package is then you need to experience it. Tourist hotels and resorts have, for years, offered free or heavily discounted offers to agents so that they can gain the experience of a vacation. Hotels worldwide too have done this. The best way to sell holiday is through a good holiday experienced visitor.

The idea behind the company that I joined was to provide heavily discounted holidays to agents on the basis that they were bringing large numbers of visitors to a resort/hotel. The bigger the sales force, the bigger the sales for hotels as families and friends got involved too.

MISTAKE: One guy discovered that he could get free flight upgrades, reduced flight costs, cheaper hotels etc. by using the companies overall buying power however, he then recruited people to do the same. Instead of the companies getting more and more buyers they were getting more and more people getting cheap holidays for themselves and not the numbers expected. Couldn't last.

When I joined Amway I had all of the hype associated with the company and there is nothing wrong with that, it's a big sucessful company that has a set of morals and aims that are very high, however, the group that I joined stated "you don't need to get a lot of people buying product. Buy all the product that you can use, whatever you think the value is and get some others to do the same, get them to find people who can do the same and you will build a huge organisation turning over millions by buying and using."

What's wrong with that? Well, like Avon or other successful established businesses they need buyers who are not in the business to make turnover. If it wasn't like that it would have to act like a co-operative where buyers belong and share the profits. Far from the millions in the bank that MLM can produce. Why is this? because in all businesses there will be those who feel that SELLING is below them or that feel that if they get big and rich then they no longer need to sell. Good MLM team leaders STILL SELL even if not 24/7. They know that recruiting alone does not work.

So, if you get into MLM and be a success then you will need to sell and teach others how. So called successes in MLM have got to the top by buying a ton of stuff to get advanced levels in the business and then stopping, expecting those impressed enough to want it to do the selling. Guess what. The newbies aren't all that stupid, they realise what was done, copy the system and then the whole pack of cards collapses through greed. Some get burned because they just didn't ask the right questions.

I would love it if somebody read this and went and joined a company, bothered to sell as well as recruit and taught this to their downline. Big money can still be made but the advice given in this forum needs to be taken. GOOD saleable products at a price realistic to the VALUE. Uniqueness or longevity etc. are essentials along with a moral approach by the company and the uplines.

Some of the worst crimes that MLM companies have made have been that they didn't listen and continue to pay the price, even the big ones.

Want to do MLM? Why not? Get it right. ASK QUESTIONS, if you don't get answers that make sense walk away.


Diane Bjorling

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RE: Before you consider MLM.... (sharing Information|not selling)
4/7/2013 4:34:24 PM
Love it! Thanks Roger for coming in and explaining things ... I think the key questions people should be thinking of are

Ask questions
Don't get fooled into the hype
Do your homework
Understand the law


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