
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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FREE: 4 SafeMailers & Tools...Weekly Commissions!
1/6/2013 2:17:04 AM
Viral Inbox: SafeMailer AND Email-Filtering Made EASY!
Email-filtering simplified, even if you've never heard of filtering before: This system can organize all your incoming safelist emails so you'll never lose credit emails! There's also an on-site mailer for 100% deliverability. You can also post banners/text-ads. Join free, or if you upgrade to Platinum, you can open 100 or more emailboxes and get more than 1,000,000 bonus advertising credits for 7 other popular ad sites.
Viral Hosts
Free hosting, plus a safemailer with optional geo-targeting, banner & text advertising, you can also email your downline thru many levels depending on your membership level. I've received lots of leads and paid signups for my offers from my mailings thru Viral Hosts, and I've also earned easy referral commissions from promoting this!
Viral URL
Link-cloaking to protect your affiliate links from hijackers who might change your ID to theirs in raw affiliate links. Also a high-response safelist with optional geo-targeting, upgraded members can email up to 6,000 members every 3 days, plus tracking & banner/text ads. I get great results from my mailings thru Viral URL and it's also easy to earn referral commissions!
Viral PLR
Free professionally created product every month. Each includes 2 sites: Sell the product and generate unlimited sales commissions orgive away using lead-capture pages to build lists! There's a mailer to email leads generated from the lead-captures. Plus great referral commissions! Upgraded members can rebrand & set your own prices on the products, earn higher referral commissions & mail your lists more often!
Viral Networks
Business social networking, video sharing, community-buzz to post tweet-size updates, forums, downline mailer. Upgraded members can use the internal broadcast mailer that has 100% deliverability to contact up to 6,000 members every 3 days. Lots of ways to promote yourself and your offers here, and also earn referral commissions.
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: FREE: 4 SafeMailers & Tools...Weekly Commissions!
1/21/2013 1:56:04 AM

The Viral-PLR team has created splashpages for each monthly product, and also promo tools for each product including opt-in forms for our own sites.

I'd like to show you a comparison of splashpages:

Here are the splashpages created by the Viral-PLR team, very nice, photo/name branded for us affiliates...(BUT there's a lot of text here, and some traffic exchanges only have a 3 second timer, and some offer a 0 are people reading these? I hope so!)

Now here are 3 splashpages I made at AdKreator ( ) using images from Viral-PLR...I have less text but still no opt-in form:

Here are sites I made combining my AdKreator splashpages with the opt-in form codes available from Viral-PLR...I like these best, minimal text with opt-in forms!!

Let me know what you think! :) Thanks for looking!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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RE: FREE: 4 SafeMailers & Tools...Weekly Commissions!
1/26/2013 5:08:03 AM
27 Rapid Traffic Secrets FREE!
* 41 Pages
* Article marketing tactics for a whirlwind of free targeted traffic
* How to get massive free traffic from video sites like YouTube
* Unstoppable long-lasting viral traffic from a guaranteed tactic
* Build thousands of backlinks instantly with a free traffic method
Social Media Superstar FREE!
*41 Pages
* How to use Facebook and Twitter to gain more fans and followers
* Piggy-back on other peoples' traffic to gain lots of followers fast
* Why you need LinkedIn & how to get started
* Use YouTube to your advantage & gain a ton of free traffic
My First Internet Business FREE!
* 37 Pages
* 7 things to consider when starting your own internet business
* Set up your business quickly & easily in 3 steps
* Top Internet business models you can follow to start earning
* How to start earning money through Article Marketing
The Motivational Handbook FREE!
* 40 Pages
* 101 powerful tips on motivation
* Why having a mentor & goal-buddy can help you succeed faster
* How to stop negative thoughts
* How to take on challenges and build momentum
Easy Product Creation FREE!
* 41 Pages
* 12 different types of products you can create online and sell
* How to research a hot topic so you can find out exactly what sells
* How to create your own eBook and sell it like hot cakes
* Create video training & a membership site for recurring income
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: FREE: 4 SafeMailers & Tools...Weekly Commissions!
2/4/2013 6:18:23 PM
Thanks for helping me get into the Top 10 affiliates of Viral-PLR in January, I was the only woman in the Top 10! :)
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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RE: FREE: 4 SafeMailers & Tools...Weekly Commissions!
2/9/2013 6:31:55 AM
These are red-hot! The listbuilders/mailers AND the products are pulling in numerous leads daily!

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