The Daily Meditation 12.31.2012
I Am One With The Source Of Love
Michelle Snider, Practioner I Student
There is only One God, One Love. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Source and Creator of All that Is.
I am one with that Source of Love.
At this time of endings and beginnings I know that all is love and balance. I choose now to release anything which stands in the way of my usefulness to the Creator. That Creator with which I am one. I release anger with anyone and anything, I embrace my responsibility to love and accept my fellows for we are all one.
I dismiss habits which do not enhance my well being. I live in abundance and financial balance, and I give knowing that it all comes back to me for that is the Law. I am conscious of my thoughts and beliefs, for it is done unto me as I believe. I accept my place as a co-creator in my life now. This year passing is done and I have learned all I can from the time. I appreciate all that has come my way, knowing that even what appeared as adversity lends itself to strength and growth. To the passing of the year I acknowledge and embrace all that I have experienced knowing that I am ultimately better for it.
Knowing that this is true for me and feeling gratitude in my heart, I am pleased for the time experience in the this year and I give thanks for all that has been mine to experience in life. I have learned so much and I am grateful for God, friends, family and all my fellow travelers united in The One. Life is good.
Speaking these word in truth and love, I release them into the Law knowing that they will not come back to me void.
And so it is.