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In recognition of Dave Cottrell, phenomenal ALP member
12/18/2012 3:07:37 PM
Hi folks, let's take a minute to leave a kind word or two for Dave Cottrell, one of the finest members of Adlandpro you will ever come across. He is loyal, hard-working and dedicated. He is always willing to help. He is not only at ALP but also on Facebook and WOT and many other sites where he is always spreading good cheer and promoting Adlandpro in a positive way.
P.S. And not only that...
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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Flag of Diane Bjorling

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RE: In recognition of Dave Cottrell, phenomenal ALP member
12/18/2012 3:44:01 PM
A very happy Birthday to Dave and thanks Stephen for creating this way to celebrate a very cool guy!

Happy Birthday Dave Cottrell!
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Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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RE: In recognition of Dave Cottrell, phenomenal ALP member
12/18/2012 4:10:07 PM
Stephen, you are a sweetheart, thanks for being you.

Hey there Dave,

Wishing you a wonderful day and many more.

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Flag of Jo Matthias

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RE: In recognition of Dave Cottrell, phenomenal ALP member
12/18/2012 8:48:43 PM
Thank you Stephen, wonderful gesture!!!

Happy birthday Dave!!!!
VOTE!!!! POTM!!!
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RE: In recognition of Dave Cottrell, phenomenal ALP member
12/18/2012 8:50:40 PM
Thanks y'all. Diane, I love your "Peanuts" graphic...
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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