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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/15/2012 3:05:59 AM
Good evening Myrna!

I have met a lot of people on Adland through the years and that's the truth.. some have become more than special to me.... funny thing... yesterday when I heard that I had won...I thought of another person who also won the POTW and boy was he tickled pink... Michael Derowin - not sure if anyone knew this, but it was his birthday yesterday...isn't that amazing?

People on Adland have come and gone...but many are remembered and for many reasons. That is the thing about Adland that people fail to understand..this truly is a small town and believe me when I is a small town with a huge heart!

In many ways Myrna, you are in many ways the heart of Adland or rather one of the special hearts because you have been loyal, caring and this is your home and I feel it is an honor to have you say the kind things to me ( pssst sometimes I tend to get a bit

It is Christmas...a time for family, for friends and for having joy in our hearts so maybe this gift will be fitting

Have a wonderful Christmas Myrna...may the New Year bring you happy smiles and the best life experiences...

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/15/2012 4:14:29 AM
Hi Diane,

My congratulations. I'm glad you have agreed to participate. We can learn so much from you.
I admire your skills in using social tools.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/15/2012 6:06:25 AM
Thank you Bogdan, that means a lot to me. In many ways, I am very aware that I am like the square peg fitting into the round hole and while that imagery does not compute so easily, it can still hurt at

I consider it a privilege to be able to help Adland for many reasons one of them, this has been like a home to me and even though I have grown up so to speak, coming back here means so much to me.

I really want Adland to succeed and I want to be here when it moves closer and closer to what social media is about and I feel that everyone is on the same track..that is heartening and gives me ( at least ) a lot of hope, but like anything, there is a lot of work to do...but for today, lets remember that it is Christmas... a time to celebrate and time to remember a little child being born..

From my home to yours... I wish you only the best...

How about we make the new year one of even more celebrations?

Kathy Hamilton

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/15/2012 1:43:58 PM
Congrats to you Diane what a great christmas present for you to be chosen
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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/15/2012 2:06:45 PM

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits

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