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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/16/2012 2:30:53 AM
I have no answers Bogdan, just sorrow for the families! I know that this particular thread is about life, about celebration, but I could not in good conscience pretend that nothing had happened. When I read the names of the children and when I read the names of the adults I had tears!
I feel that in the coming days, people are going to start doing the blame game..either on gun control or this or that.... I feel the answers are far deeper than these simplistic ones if one can call them that!
For now, I feel that the families need our collective prayer to help them ( when they are ready) to heal..right now it is too soon and too raw and that is all I can say.

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/16/2012 3:40:08 AM
I have no answers Bogdan, just sorrow for the families! I know that this particular thread is about life, about celebration, but I could not in good conscience pretend that nothing had happened. When I read the names of the children and when I read the names of the adults I had tears!
I feel that in the coming days, people are going to start doing the blame game..either on gun control or this or that.... I feel the answers are far deeper than these simplistic ones if one can call them that!
For now, I feel that the families need our collective prayer to help them ( when they are ready) to heal..right now it is too soon and too raw and that is all I can say.

Hi Diane,

I'm the person of action, meaning I would like to see some steps taken to avoid situations like these. Children don't just die when madman or for that matter mind controlled individual does some deeds which serves some higher end goals. Children die every day from drons, they die in Gaza or West Bank, in Afghanistan and somewhere in Africa or middle East. Not all of those cases are highly publicized or publicized at all and people in US or western parts of the world are not as shocked or affected by them, but if you dig into alternative media channels, you will see that children die daily in much larger numbers than this all over the world and all this is the result either of western world interference in other countries affairs or western world turning blind eye to the unacceptable results as the interest which are at stake for the western agendas are much higher than those children's lives.

I'm not saying let's not pray for those children who perished in this latests carnage, but I'm saying let's pray for all of them. As I said before that children are accepted in the kingdom of heaven without our prayers anyway. Let's pray for those who are going to miss them and those who contributed to their passing.

Let's not forget children who perished in recent Gaza massacre.

Here is the film which brings some recollection by children from past war events in Gaza, and this was about hundreds of children who perished due to madmen actions.

Make sure that you view it now, because it will be removed soon as the previous versions were.
I can't keep up with finding new uploads as the ones I have bookmarked are not viewable anymore as this one for example.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/16/2012 5:56:47 AM
It took me time to get back here Bogdan. I watched that video and I can hope it is not taken down...but who knows

I have been sitting here struggling with words to convey my horror at all the children and yes the adults who die for no reason and I wonder why? why? why?

I have no words of wisdom to explain the actions of people gone mad...because to do so I would have to be mad myself!

All I can really do is care and to help the children who are still alive and hurting and do my very best to help them.

For the children who died so recently and for the children all over the world who are dying every single day, I can carry the weight of grief and to those left behind..the parents, the families who have to carry on I can only share as much as I can of their pain and again do the best I can to help in what ever way I can to be there to support and help with the healing...if one can truly heal from the wounds that have been inflicted on them.

I am not sure if it helps to know that there are many many people who are aware of what is going on "behind the closed doors" because the truth is Bogdan..there are many of us who are...we just deal with it in different ways and all with the goal to stop the madness.

Yes you are right, the children are safe now..ALL the children who have died are safe now but a hole has been left that can never truly be filled and that makes their loss that much harder for those of us who are still on this earth.

I remember something that happened when my daughter was little. She had a friend who was of a different faith and one day, they were playing and this little friend starting picking flowers and saying these are for God. I was sitting outside and watching. My little girl just stared at her friend with her big brown eyes and suddenly picked some flowers and said... I cant see God but I can see my mom and so will give them to her as she will be able to hold them and that is kind of better than letting the flowers die, because I don't think God will like that at all!"

I guess I am a little bit like my daughter and she like me... I cant fix everything, but every time I can help a child or a family that has been hurt, then I can say with all honesty, I am helping to fix a part of the whole problem and maybe I can pass on a healing that will make this world better.

RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/16/2012 2:23:19 PM
Thanks to all of the POTW Awards team for a phenomenal job. Congrats to Diane, way to go! You so deserve this, and hope you enjoy your time in the spotlight. Awesome, Steve
P.S. I'm totally sympathetic and my heart goes out to the victims and their families. I do though feel strongly that the media focuses too much on gun control & not enough on other issues such as mental illness, medications, & ultimately what causes shootings. The media seems to focus way more on negative topics that almost make these shooters out to be heroes and maybe even encourage others to try it sadly. They don't focus on the victims?
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Diane Bjorling THE 351ST POTW Award Winner Congratulations Thread
12/16/2012 5:32:28 PM
Good morning Stephen, I think what the POTW team does deserves a standing ovation!

How is your snowball fight going by the way... just wondering ^-^

Thank you for your kind thoughts Stephen and while I keep saying or rather questioning whether I deserve the winning, I know that I am doing all I can to be the best I can be..which can get a bit

I also have to thank you for your thoughts regarding the terrible happening that occurred just a short two days ago and I agree that there were many factors madness! While social media has a short terms memory, I also know that for many people, this is going to be in their memories for a very long time and I think that I will stop talking about it least on here and for now....

Maybe it is because of what has happened so recently, or maybe it is because I have seen too much, but this song and especially the imagery is having a lot of meaning to me right now...

I hope that you and your family have a good Christmas and that the new year will bring about something that is dear to me...your success, but also peace!

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