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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/8/2012 3:04:16 AM
Hello Luis,

My sincere congratulations.

Not all here know that you have written some books and how long you are studying matters of the cycles of celestial beings and or universe. For those who don't know that, here is the link to some online chapters of this book.

The Circular Time Part 1
The Circular Time Part 2
The Circular Time Part 3
The Primordial Civilization Part 1
The Primordial Civilization Part 2

The Primordial Civilization Part 3
The Primordial Civilization Part 4

And there is more here if I missed some of the important work.

I know that you sing, paint, have great knowledge of history and interests in politics.

You are member of this community who has great accomplishments in so many various areas. Where you finding time for all this?

Again my congratulations for winning this week and for so many interests and deep knowledge in whatever you get involved.


Richard Mathiason

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/8/2012 1:45:56 PM
Congratulations, Luis! Yes, we are experiencing major changes in all areas of our lives. Those changes are ushering in a new way of life if we want it.

May you have an amazing day, week, month and year!

Richard Mathiason
Nellie .

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/8/2012 3:59:31 PM
Hi POTW, THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo! You are special! You can sing. Hugs, Nellie

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/9/2012 2:38:39 AM
Hi and welcome Diane, and thank you for showing up and posting.

I must say, you are such an insightful lady. Such a level of perception of the course things are taking is, to say the least, uncommon. I am afraid common people, whenever their main drive is not of just surviving in the difficult times that we live at present, are mostly concerned with getting fun out of whatever the world has to offer them.

Plus your questions go to the core of the matter. But I have never said I know all the answers.

In my modest opinion, however, we can approach the problem you outline by considering the world's current scenario as you would a thriller movie, where all evil things occur in crescendo until the very last minute. Only then do the good guys save the world by sending the bad guys to jail or directly to hell, after which all is happiness and joy across this planet.

Whether this happy end and new beginning is going to be sudden or gradual I cannot know, but considering the way "the action" has been accelerating of late globally, both the end of the current dark age and the start of the new golden era should not take very long to happen now. Actually the ancient hermetic doctrine to which I mainly adhere says the beginning of a new age occurs automatically when the old one ceases, just as night becomes day.

In this sense, you may additionally remember that it is just after the darkest part of the night that dawn breaks, as if by magic, every day.

Your mention of things past, present and future reminds me of a famous quote by Confucius: 'If you want to know the future, first study the past'. In a way, that is how I have all along conducted my studies in cosmic cycles and cyclic ages. It has also reassured me that there is a brilliant, glorious future awaiting us, so to speak, around the corner.

Hugs and blessings,


Like Kathleen or maybe not quite like finding this particular thread, meant me posting in the one forum before it was locked and then waiting patiently ( because I knew it would be created) for me to come and say "Well done"

When I came here ( to this thread) I find a man who has challenged people to think and to wonder and to maybe figure some things out?

so in light of what you have said and feel, I feel it only appropriate to make the attempt to give you some kind of response.

In many ways I agree with you in terms of "change" in that many things are happening across this small global community ( planet earth) that are both alarming and yet uplifiting, but I have to be honest and say that I am more alarmed than uplifted by what is going on everywhere I go.

Where will these changes lead? I really don't know. My life is filled with challenges in dealing with children/families who have been abused, and if there is one thing I have learned is that is our past story can impact our present story that in turn can change our future story and in many ways this is how I see our humanity.

I believe that we are on a cross roads as to how our civilization will travel over the next period of time and I feel that it is going to take a lot of work to get us in balance so that we can move on to the next level. will that mean a "being" will show up and save us or help us? Again that is something I can not answer. While I do have my sprituality, I cant rightly catergorize what that is ..I just feel that the Creator is with us if we choose to listen and that can come from many directions.

I am unsure what else to say, this is just how I feel.

Considering I came here to say...whoo

I better say just that

Congratulations to Luis Miguel Goitizolo on winning the 350th POTW Award

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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RE: THE 350TH Congratulations goes out to Luis Miguel Goitizolo
12/10/2012 1:53:10 AM
Hello Dave,

Your compliments and good wishes are sincerely appreciated.

Blessings too,


Congratulations, Luis. Have a very good week.

God bless,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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