Good Moaning All. I know you don't have a discussion thread or feedback thread for the 100 Friends or will have so I will just add a suggestion here.
Just like the new Person of the Week box showing up on everyone's page after logging in, so should there be a get 100 friends tab so all members in the networking community have access to this on not just new members. That way everyone that is in the list will be available to every member that wants access to them. That opens a hole new way to get friended to every member on this site.
Another thing I seen is that this option will only be available to certain new members. Not sure what that is all about but, to me, and if you think about this, that this option should be available to everyone that signs up, gets invited, or what ever reason for getting here, and be on the main page for all to see.
And Yes, I have my mind (not rubber) burning 365 days a week and the lights are always on.
