Quote: 100 Volunteer Program This where you can volunteer to be added to all New Adlandpro Members that Sign up into Adlandpro.New adlanders are signing up everyday with new adlandpro accounts that need help and Friends right away.This Volunteer Feature will save many of there new signups from becoming inactive in the adlandpro community.As a volunteer you will be added to all the new members please do not use this feature to spam these new members.This Feature is build to help the new members make new solid friends in there time of need.Volunteer to offer help to the new Adlandpro Members.Reply Or Quote (Sign Me In As a Volunteer) These names will be gathered as a list by the Adlandpro Owner and Staff when this number reaches 100 the feature will be added and offered to the new Adlandpro Signups.This Feature is not to build a list to spam these new signups.Please keep within the rules of the adlandpro community.There could be Drawbacks and Benefits to you as a volunteer i do not need to mention so choose for yourself if this is for you.So are going to Give up or Go for the Strong Finishhttp://www.maniacworld.com/are-you-going-to-finish-strong.htmlTell Your FriendsRegardsDennis
Happy to join and volunteer
Thank You
Lisa Holland