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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/22/2012 10:24:30 AM
Yes Myrna, I do, only I believe his sense of humor was sort of twisted (or would you say 'kinky'), like on top of everything else he was joking to himself with these works. lol


Here is one such image as I was telling you about, Roger. A most enigmatic one, I must say. In my opinion, it is most appealing despite its sobriety in both color and composition.

Salvador Dali - Mysterious Mouth Appearing in the Back of my Nurse
(gouache on paper, 1941)

Do you think Dali had a good sense of humor. Some of these paintings are funny. They are amazing and so interesting.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/22/2012 10:44:51 AM
Hi Roger,

I believe you were right on clue with this one; it would certainly seem to be inspired in a medical image. Only there are all those other elements to ponder about, like its doubtless (though sort of strange) beauty, the dots on eyebrows and nose, the wounds or peeling-offs, and above all the ants swarming around the mouth. Also, I find it strangely similar to the famous Nefertiti bust. Like a combination of a medical image with an Egyptian female mummy with Nefertiti's most beautiful bust. Hmmmm sort of complicate, isn't it. And on top of all this, the drawer at the chest, like it was intended as a chest drawer!

I hope I am not going overboard with this, but it is so stimulating, isn't it.


Nefertiti, the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten - both known for a religious revolution, in which they worshipped one god only, Aten, or the sun disc.


Salvador Dali - Ant Face
(Drawing for the Catalogue Jacket of Dalí's Exhibition at the Alex Reid and Lefevre Gallery in London)
(gouache on black paper, 1936)

So many elements in this seemingly simple image.

The texture reminds me of medical images of muscle and tissue.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/23/2012 12:37:03 AM
Dear friends,

Here is The Image Disappears, one of the best-known "illusions through the paintings of Salvador Dali," as these characteristic works have been called; in this case, a somewhat mysterious picture of a bearded man (Dali himself?) and, on closer sight, a scene with a woman. Dali's moustache is her arm, his eye is her head and his beard is her skirt.

Note: I think Dali drew inspiration for this painting from Jan Vermeer's works, which he seems to have deeply admired - to a degree that he painted several versions of the latter's
Lacemaker. Plus if you note, the checkered floor in this painting by Dali is characteristic of Vermeer floors.

Salvador Dali - The Image Disappears (oil on canvas, 1938)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/23/2012 10:29:02 AM

... But here is her antithesis: a not precisely refined lady, painted the year before by Dali.

Salvador Dali - Cannibalism of the Objects (gouache and ink, 1937)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
12/23/2012 10:46:48 AM

Salvador Dali - Ant Face
(Drawing for the Catalogue Jacket of Dalí's Exhibition at the Alex Reid and Lefevre Gallery in London)
(gouache on black paper, 1936)


This is interesting.

I forgot that ants have cocoons.



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