I'd like to let you know about this new service called TE Banners...
No longer do you have to log in to every traffic exchange you are a member of just to check up on your banners.
TE Banners has simplified how you do banner advertising. You simply purchase banner impressions, add your banners, and assign your impressions.
They will do all the hard work for you and put your banner(s) across multiple traffic exchanges and sites for you!
You can also earn COMMISSION$!
So go and check it out now:
====HERE's What Happened!====
I'm trying the 10,000 banner impressions, you can put in lots of your banners and distribute your credits among them. I entered 5 banners and put 2,000 credits on each...
I also upgraded so I can see detailed banner stats: My banners were immediately displayed on over a dozen sites! I'm not even a member of a lot of them, that's what's really cool about TEBanners, your banners can be displayed in sites that you don't even have to be a member of, you don't have to log into all those traffic sites or upload your banners in lots of places, just upload them in TEBanners!
Upgraded members earn 30% on purchases made by referrals AND you also get RANDOM REFERRALS when you upgrade, and if they purchase anything, you earn 30%!
I upgraded when a sale came in quickly after I only posted a few ads for this! Free members earn 10% commissions.
Thanks for taking a serious look at TEBanners! It's NEW TODAY & RED HOT!!!
Sincerely, Kathleen