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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Join and Receive 10,000 Credits While They Last!
3/7/2013 6:14:46 PM
Just Tweeted Ken's Twitter Profile

Prize Claimed! You won 100 Credits! Join the Click Voyager Team in Adlandpro and receive 10,000 Credits! Call me!

Internet Marketing Consultant
The Soaring Eagle Team on Facebook
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change Tomorrow by your Actions

Click Here Take your life in a whole new direction!


Congratulations to Christi Taylor (katkris61)

"Another Monday and a Half has come to an end and we have another 3 winners of the coveted Platinum account:


Congratulations to all three of you - your accounts have just been upgraded to Platinum for the next 7 days! We'll be doing it all over again next Monday so make sure you bring your clicking fingers ;)



Click Here to start loving Mondays! Join with Christi's I Love Mondays splash page by 4:00 PM Pacific time on Sunday 3/10/2013 and I will transfer 10,000 credits to your account. You will also have a chance to win a 7 day Platinum upgrade!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Join and Receive 10,000 Credits While They Last!
4/23/2013 12:17:17 AM
Just TweetedJust Tweeted!

Congratulations! You won 937credits! join the most generous TE on the WWW from the Click Voyager Team in
Pick your sponsor from the List of Team Members in the forum and we will work together to build your downline while earning massive credits to display your sites.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Join and Receive 10,000 Credits While They Last!
7/27/2013 9:47:31 PM

Join and receive 10K

in credits

while they last!

Thank you to all of those who joined the Click Voyager Team in AdLandPro!

As a loyalty bonus I will give 25 credits to any member who logs in and get on the Top Clickers list.

If you are a free member and qualify for the Sunday Silver Service Award I will transfer 250 credits to your account(on any Sunday). It is easy to do and makes surfing the rest of the week as a free upgraded member so rewarding. Some of you are doing this every week.

If you are a Gold level member and you log in and get on the Top Clickers list, click on new reply below and post a testimonial saying how Click Voyager is working for you, I will transfer 500 credits to your account.

If you win 5,000 credits and post a message in this thread with your testimonial I will match the credits that you won!

Have a great week!


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team