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Richard Mathiason

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Good Thoughts and a Good Harvest (Matt. 7:17, 18)
11/15/2012 1:59:10 PM

The Daily Meditation 11.15.2012

Good Thoughts and a Good Harvest (Matt. 7:17, 18)

By Ernest Holmes, Our Founder and the Author of “Science Of Mind”

Good Thought

A good tree produces good fruit, so good thoughts bear a harvest of good deeds, while evil consumes itself in the flame of its own fire. If a man’s life produces good deeds, then the man is himself good; and this, no matter what his particular religious belief may or may not be. The mouth speaks from the heart.

It is impossible for a man to conceal himself. In every act, word, or gesture, he stands revealed as he is, and not as he would have himself appear to be. From the universe, nothing is or can be hidden; the very walls have ears and the mirror of life cannot help reflecting back to us that which we really are.

Jesus plainly tells us that we are held accountable for the very words which we speak. No man ever lived who placed a greater power in the word. By our words we are justified or condemned.

The word may be considered to be the complete thought and act of man. There must be a thought before there can be an act, and a thinker before there can be any thought. The thinker condemns or justifies himself through his thought.

Holmes, Ernest; Jean Houston (1998-08-24). The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (pp. 448-449). Tarcher. Kindle Edition.

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