from the desk of SC
1. 90-DAY MONEY-BACK RESULTS GUARANTEE Now you have absolutely nothing to lose…but weight!
2. OVER $47 MILLION IN FREE PRODUCTS, PRIZES & VACATIONS* How much will you win in 2013?
3. PROJECT 10 WEEKLY WINNERS Every week in 2013, we’re awarding a total of $10,000 to 10 people who lose 10 lbs. PLUS… Free “i LOST it” t-shirt for everyone who loses 10 lbs.
4. MONTHLY CHALLENGE FINALISTS. Finalists will now receive a professional photo shoot and free Vi-Gear!
5. ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION VACATION. Your Before and After Party awaits, now with upgraded experiences and a $5,000 Beverly Hills Wardrobe Shopping Spree!
6. CHALLENGE TRAINER Every resource you need to succeed on your Challenge, including, and other enhanced tools, apps, expert tips and community support.