
Daniel Meritt

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Social Message Connect
10/5/2012 1:40:42 AM

Social Messaging Comes to Internet Marketing!

Matthew Graves has just come out with a new site which is a game-changer. It gives you the power to build relationships with your prospective customers and partners like never before. This is Social Message Connect.

Social Message Connect combines the latest in social media messaging with the power of a mailer program. Imagine a safelist with no email! Now you don’t have to worry about spam filters, junk mail folders, and email overload keeping you from reaching your prospective customer.

In addition, it opens up a new way for those reading your ads to be able to communicate directly back with you to ask questions or give comments. This is truly about building relationships, not just blasting your ad out and hoping for the best. "Hope Marketing" is giving way to "Relationship Marketing" and this is the tool to leverage that shift in your favor.

When you become a member of Social Message Connect, you get your own Message Feed Page that shows all your incoming messages, much like a Facebook News Feed. You can click on the links in each message to visit the sender’s site and earn credits. You can also send a private message right back to the sender. If you have used Facebook, then you will know exactly how to use your Message Feed right away. You can then use your credits to put your messages on other member’s Message Feed as well. It is social marketing with the power of a safelist to reach out to new customers.

Shortly, Matthew is releasing the Social Message Connect mobile app for Android and iPhone which will give you the ability to view your Message Feed, click and earn credits from any mobile device. Now you can truly break free from your computer and market "on the go"!


P.S. Matthew’s last launch had thousands of members joining in just the first couple of days. Get in early for maximum benefit. Also take a close look at the Premium upgrades after you signup. The Yearly option has Matthew adding members directly to your downline and building your network for you! You even get to keep the 50% commissions on members you didn’t even refer.


Daniel Merritt
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