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Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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Only 24 Hours Left!..seriously
8/23/2012 12:59:35 AM
Hey Everyone..

I know I dont normally reach out like this but there is potentially life changing information you need to see for yourself. There is only a limited time to really take advantage. Rather than try to explain it myself.. I want you to get the information from the same source that I did. And that is from the very top. I was fortunate enough to be put in to contact with one of the people instrumental in putting this all together. His name is Andy Meade and what he shared with me in our first meeting, I knew could change alot of lives of the people who were willing
to take action and immediately.

A message from Andy Meade, founding member of Solavei:

Thank you for taking the time to read this; it will take a few minutes of your time, but I assure you it's worth it. I want to tell you about an incredible new company, that I believe is going to change the world. I want to thank Dwight for this opportunity to reach out to you, and share this opportunity with you.

My name is Andy Meade; I come from a career in finance and business development. I used to work as a valuations consultant for Deloitte, then as an economist for Ernst & Young, where I specialized in Transfer Pricing. I left that to launch the startup investment company Meade Ventures. I'm now one of the founding members of Solavei. I'm here because I believe this company has the power to change the world, and improve the lives of millions. I'm writing to you because I'd like you to be a part of it, from the beginning.

Solavei is a virtual wireless provider. We offer something incredible: a truly unlimited nationwide 4G plan (unlimited voice, text, data). No contracts, no data limits, no throttling. We can offer all of that, on both Android and iPhone, for just $49 per month.

We've raised $20 million in venture capital, at a valuation of $120 million. Our executive team consists of career wireless industry veterans, Fortune 100 execs, venture capitalists, even a former congressman. You can learn more about our team here.

In addition to our great plan, we offer every one of our subscribers the opportunity to earn money by helping to grow the network. Our goal is to help hundreds of thousands of people earn thousands of dollars a month, just by telling people about our service. I'll give you an example of just how much money we're talking about:

If Karen signs up three of her friends, she gets $20 a month off her bill, every month; so she’s paying just $29/mo for her 4G smartphone. If each of Karen’s 3 friends also signs up 3 more people, Karen gets credit for those people too; she now has 12 people (her 3, plus 9 more). For that, she receives $130 every month, AND a one-time cash bonus of $650. If she can sign up a few more people, and they sign up a few more, she can get to 60 people pretty soon (that could be just 15 signups for her, where each of those people signs up 3 more; that's 15 + 45). At 60 subscribers, Karen is earning $1,400 per month, for as long as those people are on the network. That's enough for her car payment, groceries, insurance, etc. And as the 60 people in her network start inviting their own friends, Karen's network just keeps growing. You can see where this is going. To show you what's possible (with a lot of hard work), if Karen were to get 6,000 people in her personal network, she would be earning about $60,000 per month.

Keep in mind that we intend to grow to a total network of tens of millions of users, and we haven't even launched yet. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from building a network of 6,000 people. Literally thousands of people will be able to do that, with enough hard work.

This may sound too good to be true; or maybe it sounds like some sort of multi-level marketing company. I assure you it's not. All we're doing is taking money we would be spending on advertising, and spending it on our customers instead. We have no physical stores, and no advertising. Advertising alone costs AT&T and Verizon $4 billion a year, each! We believe that that money would be better spent by our customers. Why spend $10,000 a month on a billboard, when we could pay $10,000 a month to a customer to reward them for actually signing people up? Billboards can’t do that.

MLMs survive by convincing people to pay lots of money to sign up. They make them purchase (and then try to sell) an overpriced product. Most can't do it, and lose money. We do the exact opposite. We charge you nothing to sign up; there's no 'business opportunity' cost at all. We offer you the opportunity to promote an amazing service that everyone needs, which costs half what our competitors are charging, and which can give each and every subscriber the opportunity to start earning money for themselves.

This is an opportunity to join our company at the ground floor, while we're still in beta (our official launch is on September 21st). You would be working directly for a founding member of the company, to build your own sales team and grow your network of subscribers. Once your team is in place, your only job would be to encourage and help them as they build their own business. Once that's done, and you've built a large network of subscribers, you can basically retire; your entire compensation is residual; you continue to receive it even after you stop working.

Here's the important part: We're closing our beta registration tomorrow night, Thursday, 8/23. If you want to be a part of this, it's very important that you respond to this e-mail as soon as possible, so I can get you added to our beta list before we lock it down. If you wait until after Thursday, you will not be able to register until after the launch, and will miss this opportunity for a head start on everyone else.

If you want to be a part of this, please just reply back to this e-mail with the following information, and I'll personally make sure you get on the beta list before we lock it down tomorrow night. Just reply to this e-mail with the following information:

Name (first and last):
E-mail address:
Phone number:

PLEASE NOTE: By registering for the beta group, you are not committing to buy or be a part of anything; all this does is gives you the option to sign up early, if you decide you want to do this. That will give you a running head start over everyone else at launch day. Once you're registered, we can do a phone call to talk about this in much more detail.

That's all I need to get you registered. Once you're in there, you're all set. You'll be able to see the management software you'd be using to track everything, and some of the marketing tools we have available for building your team. It's all very well-designed, and easy to use.

That's it. Just reply with your info, and I'll make sure you're registered in the beta group before we lock it down. Thank you for your time; I look forward to speaking with you, and working together on this exciting project.

Welcome to the revolution.

- Andy

Andy Meade
Founding Member
Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Only 24 Hours Left!..seriously
8/23/2012 7:03:53 PM
Today's the day...reply with Name and Email....
Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Special Beta Group Extension..(video inside)
8/25/2012 8:17:37 PM
Hey Guys

Andy has informed me that the deadline to pre register for the Solavei beta group has been extended until there's still time. Here's a special message with a video you must see to get a true understanding of the way the tech world will be forever changed....


I just wanted to follow up on my e-mail from the other day. I wanted to share a new video we just finished, which gives a good sense of what we're trying to build here. It's very short, and gives a good overview of our business model, and our plan for really disrupting the wireless industry.

Because we're still in beta, there's a great deal of money to be made here, in a very short amount of time. This is what you can expect in terms of compensation from Solavei. And note that these subscriber totals refer not just to users that you sign up, but users that they sign up as well; you get full credit for all of them:

As I mentioned, I'm one of the founding members of this company; I'm building a team of people who, with a little hard work, can quickly build a book of business that brings in tens of thousands a month. Here's the blueprint for everyone on my team:
  1. Go sign up a team of 20 people. That's the easy part. That's one Craigslist job ad (30-40 responses, including resumes). Or that's a few days at the mall talking to people. By all means talk to people already selling wireless service. Our company's stated goal is already to take their market share, poach their customers, and completely upend their cushy overpriced business model; why would you feel shy about offering their salespeople a change to come over to our team? I'd also recommend talking to people selling cell phone-related products, like cases. You'd be shocked at how much of any mall is devoted to cell phones. Finally, I don't generally push people to sign up friends and family, but if you already know someone who's really great at sales, by all means tell them about this. If you have kids that you think could be good at running their own business, talk to them about it. It might be nice to give them an iPhone that you don't actually have to pay a dime for; and on top of that, they probably have way more Facebook friends than you do.
  2. Once your team is in place, you should be helping them to reach their own goals, and setting group goals of 50 signups per person, per month (the managers on my team who have worked in wireless sales before tell me this should be seen as the absolute bare minimum; that they would expect their people to do 100 activations a month).
  3. If your team can average 50 activations a month (which is less than two a day), that means your network is growing by 1,000 users a month. You're making $10,000/mo at the end of your first month. After 6 months, you're making $60,000/mo. And maybe it takes longer than that; maybe it takes you a whole year (that assumes you add no more salespeople, and that they can average less than one signup a day). This is really what's possible when a company chooses not to spend $4 billion a year on mass-advertising (like AT&T and Verizon do). Who wants their piece of that $4 billion? It's yours if you can go out and help us build this network.
  4. The next step is up to you. You can keep working to empower your team to reach their goals, or you can take a very long vacation. Your income is 100% residual; it will continue to come in even if you stop working entirely; even if you just move to Europe. I don't know about you, but that kind of money would let most people do pretty much whatever they want. As long as you still have subscribers on the network, you'll continue to earn money.
This may all sound too good to be true. If you haven't gotten a chance to check out our executive team yet, here they are. This is a team of dedicated people who have built their careers on their reputation in this industry. Every single one of us is here because we believe in this company, and believe it's going to change the world:

Note: We've extended our beta enrollment through the end of the weekend; to give people a bit more time to register. That's going to be it though; we start onboarding those people on Monday. To get pre-registered, just reply to this e-mail. Please include a phone number so I can give you a call; I would love to talk more about what's possible here, and how you can make the most of this incredible opportunity.

Thank you for your time; I'll look forward to speaking with you.

- Andy

Andy Meade
Founding Member


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