I'm Kathleen VanBeekom, I've been an active member of Adlandpro Community since 2006, and an affiliate of the classifieds since 1998. I created some banners for the classifieds in the late 1990's that are still in the Affiliate area!
Before getting online, I was also involved in USA mail-order marketing for many years, and the print-ad way of doing things is to put 50% or more of your profits into more advertising, and constantly test headlines and ad-copy and advertising sources.
Most people online are in too much of a hurry to test ads, or don't know that they should, and don't put in their time and effort long enough to earn enough profit to put into paid advertising. Everyone wants fast and free. You can start fast and free, and then plan to put a certain percentage of your profits into paid advertising, start with a plan and stick with it.
Advertising should not be a random situation. I've heard from a lot of members in my online business teams who gave up after just a few days of posting a few ads online, and getting no leads. There are 100,000's of people online posting tons of ads, and if you want to compete, you need to CONSISTENTLY promote in lots of different sites DAILY and be UNIQUE and try different promotional methods, also include social networking and photo/name branding, not just plastering the internet with anonymous ads and expecting leads and income to pour in.
My usual day is promoting to approximately 35 or more ad sites. When I first started marketing online in the late 1990's, Adlandpro Classifieds was one of my main sources of traffic, and it still is, and in the past several years in conjuction with the Community...Adlandpro is one of the advertising sources that has helped me be able to earn a full-time homebased income without a "real job".
Adlandpro Community is part of a balanced advertising day, it's great for promoting, networking, and photo/name branding. We can also share our Community forum posts to Facebook and Twitter, and that really brings in a lot of views to our forum posts AND the posts of other members in our forums.
Photo and name branding are extremely important, lots of Adlandpro Community members all over the internet recognize each other in other ad sites and networks, even if they haven't logged into the Community for a long time!
Adlandpro is the place for branding, networking, and advertising, all in one. Anyone who's not utilizing the Community consistently is missing out, because even the signature files at the bottom of our forum posts are bringing us traffic and paid signups for our businesses.
Did you know? The selfmade millionaire marketer, Ewen Chia, lists Adlandpro Classifieds as one of only seven recommended classified ad sites in his book, "How I Made My First Million On The Internet And How You Can, Too!" That's a very high recommendation, considering there are 10,000's to 100,000's of classified ad sites online. If a millionaire only lists 7 and Adlandpro is ONE of them, that's a reason to consistently post at Adlandpro!
Do you think the internet has caused more impatience, laziness, and a sheeple mentality?
Some people actually think that advertising sites have a stagnant, non-increasing membership! That is not true! Online advertising sites are constantly getting lots of new members all across the board, in classifieds sites, networks, safelists, and traffic exchanges.
I'm a member of at least 50 safelists, and those each have thousands to tens of thousands of subscribers, so when people say think certain businesses are saturated, they are not saturated. There are 100,000's of online marketers and thousands of businesses, just because you see several dozen ads per day for the same popular businesses, that's not saturation.
People say, "I'm not joining THAT BIZ because it's saturated" (if they see 12 ads for something within a day, of all the tons of safelists & marketers), or they say, "I'm not joining THAT because nobody is advertising it except YOU" (even if the only person advertising it is getting wealthy because he/she is one of the few people promoting it). Or they say, "I'm not joining THAT BIZ because I heard it's a scam." Where did you hear it from? Complete strangers who've never been in it, or quitters who never studied it and gave up after 3 days of posting 3 ads? One of the quitters in a biz I'm in told me he thought it was a scam because he didn't get any leads after posting a few ads for a few days. Is that what makes a scam? Getting no leads from a few ads? People have the most ridiculous explanations for the word "scam".
Know what a scam is? Putting money into something and not getting what you paid for, or being promised money for your time and not getting paid for time put in. THOSE are meanings of the word "scam".
The only way to say a lack of leads is a scam is if you paid for leads. If you didn't pay for leads and didn't get leads, then you weren't scammed. LOL!
Do your own studying, and the best way to study a business is by being a member of the business and taking ACTION on the information the business offers you.
Why do people give up so quickly on online businesses? Probably because we're bombarded with thousands of ads for more businesses every day. That's why it's important to know what you're looking at, and to find a business you can feel rock-solid about, and that maintains your attention, enthusiasm, and loyalty.
Most people would love to earn an online income that's large enough to live on, without working at a real job. So why don't more people STUDY businesses more closely, and stick with a good one and work it relentlessly?
When we're little kids, we need to learn to tie our shoes, and we DO learn. So why don't adults LEARN about businesses? Some adults have been online for years and still have not learned to copy & paste, and that's easier to learn as an adult, than learning to tie shoes as a 5-year old. If adults at home can earn an income from pasting ads into free ad sites, why not stick with it? Decades after learning to tie shoes, somehow, some people can't find the motivation to learn how to generate an income from an easier activity.
The worst thing that can happen is, you allow someone else's opinion to become your own, without doing your own studying, and missing out on your own greatness because you believed an unknowledgeable opinion.
Don't allow anyone who's not in your same career path to tell you not to pursue your career path. Don't allow anyone who's not SERIOUS about your business to tell you not to pursue that business.
You've probably heard that before, now here's a unique way to remember not to let anyone who's not in online marketing, or not in your business, to tell you not to pursue your business:
Imagine if an alien from another planet told you that you CAN'T be successful if you're a human on earth. (Now replace the word "human" with the words "internet marketer"...and replace the word "earth" with the name of your business!) You CAN BE successful as a human on earth, and you KNOW don't let ANYONE who's an ALIEN to internet marketing or an alien to your particular business tell you that you can't be successful in what you choose to do, because lots of other people ARE successful in online marketing AND in the business you're in. Remember that!
Don't let anyone who's alien to you, or alien to internet marketing, or alien to your business tell you what to do, don't let anyone tell you that you can't be successful when you know other people who ARE successful in the same career path and business. If YOU want to be a successful human on earth, then make your own decisions and stick with them, do your own studying and form your own opinions, because all the other humans on earth are just humans...just like you, and if you don't know their motivation or knowledge, then don't let them make your decisions for you or form your opinions for you, and most of them are not into online marketing and have not studied marketing for decades, and of those who are, only a small percentage are successful. If you want to be successful at something, listen to the people who ARE successful at it. If you want to fail or give up, listen to those who've never tried or gave up.
Here are 2 long-term businesses created by people with decades of marketing experience, I've been with both of these for years and both have very detailed back offices with lots of advice and promotional tools for online AND offline marketing, and both have lots of members who've earned $1,000's per month:
EZ Wealth Solution has a patented pay-plan: Nearly 5 years in business! I've been a member for over 2 years.
Lotto Magic is rated A with the Better Business Bureau: Nearly 17 years in business! I've been a member for over 5 years.
Here's my most active forum at Adlandpro Community, I started this 6 & a half years ago:
List All Your Biz Sites Here: