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Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!
8/20/2012 2:21:50 AM
Join Traffic Leads 2 Income

Hello ALP Friends,

Ken Wolff here with news from
Rob Gehring.

Traffic Leads 2 Income is just 9 members
away from 12,000!

That's a huge milestone and I want to help
Rob out ... if you are member number 12,000
you'll get a lifetime membership!

Click Here to Signup!

In the system, you will learn how to create
a lead capture page using any auto-responder
you want.

I'm excited to help Rob ... let me know if I
can help you too ok?

All you need to do is sign up now. Your are very close to that chance for a free lifetime upgrade.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain so sign up now.

Ken R Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant Join Traffic Leads 2 Income
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Our friend Janet Leger has a great
explanation of this program!

Click here
to see it!

Be sure and read the testimonials by some of our other friends!
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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RE: Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!
8/21/2012 10:25:18 PM
Join Traffic Leads 2 Income

Traffic does indeed lead to income!

Hi ALP Friends!

Allow me to share with you a new resource that
I recently learned about, called
TrafficLeads2Income. Yes, the name does sort of
gives it away; but there is more of a story to
tell here.

*How about a program that allows you to
create your own customizable marketing system?
*One that allows you to make a lead capture
page, edit that page, and actually hook it up with some of the most popular autoresponders on the market today.
*How about a customizable downline builder that allows you to choose which programs you want your downline to join under you.
*Perhaps a system that allows you to add your own favorites; allowing you to customize it for your backend business.
Essentially, what you have here is the ability to generate leads for your primary business by building your own list. They in turn not only join your business, but TrafficLeads2Income as well.

If they upgrade in both, well now we have some
serious income. So by promoting one URL you now
have the capability to create dozens of signups
(from just one member), while building your
primary business. Add to the mix up to 75%
commissions, unlimited support (Conference room and Skype), and a community of successful people (in our Forum) that will help you skyrocket to the top. So join today, and let's get this party started!

Click here to join and get started right away!

Ken R Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant
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Click Here to Join Free With Vitalizer

Join TL2I Now
Ken Wolff

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RE: Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!
8/22/2012 2:41:32 AM
Join Adchiever

Hi ALP Friends,

I just shared the "Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!" thread with 307 randomly selected friends in Adchiever.

Adchiever is one of my favorite listbuilders put together by Darren Olander.

Here is your unannounced special bonus provided by Darren, 2 videos to help you with your online marketing.
Free video training #1 (I see DEAD e-mail promos!)

You will love this!

Check out this free video presentation that will
teach you how to write e-mails that demand
attention and pull in the most cash.

Click Here to Watch it
right now!

It only takes one time to learn these
techniques and you will be pumping out
killer e-mail promos every time you
write and improve your results by leaps and

Plus, you can avoid the most common mistakes
people make when writing their e-mail (or maybe
you are already making them?)...

Find out now:

Click Here to Watch it right now!

... If you send ANY e-mails online at all,
you need this... even just one new technique
could greatly increase your results!

Free Presentation: Dominate List Builders...

This is awesome! Check out this free
video which will teach you the easiest
and most effective techniques to completely
dominate viral list builders.

Watch it for free right now:

Click Here to watch video #2

It normally takes a lot of time and
organization to fully take advantage
of list builders... but with these
simple strategies it's made way easier.

This is a must see!

All the best,

Ken Wolff

P.S. Whenever you can save time AND get
more done.. it's a huge deal. Watch the video
right now and start saving time and getting
more done right away:

Click Here to watch video #2

Join Adchiever
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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RE: Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!
8/22/2012 4:23:43 AM
Hi AdLandPro Friends,

Are you in on this? There are a few ways of earning a lifetime upgrade. Check it out! Feel free to add your graphics, affiliate links, and creative promotions for "Traffic Leads 2 Income" in this thread, or click on the "Deal of the Day" link, then "New Topic" and start your own thread. I will help you build your downline even if you are not in mine. Get in the referral contest. I am currently tied for 14th place with 5 others with only 2 sign-ups. You could pass me up just by joining and signing up your family, friends and loyal followers.

OK, now for another valuable resource you can use. It is another one put together by our own
Darren Olander. This one is BuildMyDownlines

I just invited a select group of my friends in BuildMyDownlines to this thread!

Welcome BMD Friends! For those who are not yet in BuildMyDownlines, Darren has a couple of gifts for you. Here they are:

Headline & Ad Copy Brainstorm
This section is my unedited brainstorming session. I've included this so that you can use this "raw" ad copy to create your own sales copy variations and differentiate yourself from other affiliates, if needed.

The first thing I did, was Identify the MAJOR benefits of using BuildMyDownlines, which are:

  1. Viral Marketing and Mass Exposure in two easy steps.
  2. Promote multiple list builders and advertising networks with one link.
  3. Explode your downline in any business quickly and easily.
Then I scrolled through the "World's Greatest Collection of Headlines" and I wrote a few of each type of headline for each major benefit of BuildMyDownlines. You can download this for free by right clicking on the image.

And here is the list that I came up with. As I mentioned earlier, this is just my raw brainstorming session, the idea is to look through it to find those few gold nuggets.

The next step was picking the best headlines, hooks and angles from this list and using them in all of your promotional methods.

Back to Top

Safe List Advertising
A safe list is an email discussion group where members send each other solo email ads. Because each member can typically receive hundreds of emails a day, most look down on this as a credible advertising resource. My opinion is that it depends; if you're on a very low budget, then this method is worth the hassle of setting it up. But if you're already making thousands every month with your business, it might not be worth your time.

Yes, it's true that not a lot of people will read your ad, but people DO get traffic from safe lists. Getting 25-50 hits per day from safelists is completely in the range of possible - if you know how.

And BuildMyDownlines just happens to be a product that lends itself quite well to safe list advertising.

This e-book shows you exactly how to create a continuous, daily advertising stream for free using safelists. Click on the image to purchase.

The Ultimate Safelist Survival Guide - Discover The Little Known Secrets Of Generating Free Leads And Traffic From Safelists!

Michael Cobb and Soren Jordansen lead you step-by-step through the Insider Techniques To Effective Safelist Advertising.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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RE: Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!
8/22/2012 8:03:06 AM
Join VN

I just invited my friends in Viral Networks to the "Win a lifetime membership in Traffic Leads 2 Income!" thread. Click Here to go to the top of this thread!
Join Traffic Leads 2 Income

Hello ALP Friends,

Ken Wolff here with news from
Rob Gehring.

Traffic Leads 2 Income is just 9 members
away from 12,000!

That's a huge milestone and I want to help
Rob out ... if you are member number 12,000
you'll get a lifetime membership!

Click Here to Signup!

In the system, you will learn how to create
a lead capture page using any auto-responder
you want.

I'm excited to help Rob ... let me know if I
can help you too ok?

All you need to do is sign up now. Your are very close to that chance for a free lifetime upgrade.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain so sign up now.

Ken R Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant Join Traffic Leads 2 Income
On Facebook
On Twitter
Your past cannot be changed:
change Tomorrow by your Actions

Our friend Janet Leger has a great
explanation of this program!

Click here
to see it!

Be sure and read the testimonials by some of our other friends!

Welcome VN Friends, If you have not joined AdLandPro we can fix that right now. Click Here to Join! On the other hand if you are already a member, but have not yet joined Viral Networks, I highly recommend that you do.

Here is a copy of their promotional email conveniently put together for me:
Hi ALP Friends,

I have just been introduced to a site that I have been hoping someone would make! A Web 2.0 social network designed for online business owners and marketers, which really does have everything needed to build the perfect platform for YOUR online success!

Read Enough? Click Here to join!

The features are awesome, not only can you network and share your content with other people in the same industry, which is VITAL for success, but you can also build a 5 to 8-level deep downline that you can contact every 5 days! VIRALLY!

All messages are sent internally, guaranteeing a 100% deliverability rate. You also get 10% of the credits ALL the people in your downline earn! Credits are used to determine how much money you get from the revenue sharing pool.

You can also get access to the internal mailer system that allows you to contact up to 6,000 random members every 3 days! That's up to 60,000 messages sent EVERY month! You can also submit articles, upload photos and videos... and so much more!

Read Enough? Click Here to join!

The site was built from scratch, which allowed the owners to do EXACTLY what they wanted to do with it... These guys are serious about helping YOU be successful online. There is no space in this email for more, so rush over to the site now!

Click Here to join!

To YOUR Success,

Ken Wolff

P.S. - I really look forward getting to know you and networking with you in the fastest growing online business social network!
join vn
Click Here to go to the top of this thread!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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