Another new member just joined EZ Wealth Solution today, it's easy to get signups just by posting ads. Lots of people join daily and every day you wait is a day you're losing potential $100's to $1,000's into your Paypal and Payza and SolidTrustPay. There's never a slowdown with EZWS, as long as you promote daily, you can get tour-takers and paid signups daily.
You'd do really well with this business if you're interested in social networking, because that's a major part of getting tour-takers, lots of people will take the tour just from recognizing you in networks!
Most people say they wish they would have joined sooner, that's what I said in June 2010! I earned over $2,500 in my first full month mostly just from Package 2 & 3 signups.
One of my other new Resellers who joined a few days ago just contacted me today saying he's enjoying the backoffice, it's packed with information on advertising and he's learning more from EZWS than other businesses he's tried, he said the backoffice has more info than he's ever seen anywhere else!
Another Reseller said he studied EZWS in comparison to several other businesses before joining, he looked at this carefully for several weeks and realized EZWS is the best as far as compensation and experience, and then he joined at higher paid packages. He was actually a tour-takers of an Inactive Reseller who had quit early in 2011 after only one month. The tour-takers of Inactives roll up so we can contact them. It's amazing that people join a year & a half later after their referring sponsor quit. Wow! Ya never know!
There are lots of ads and followups in the backoffice you can use, and I can also provide you with unique headlines, ads & followups that other teams aren't using, because I also write my own. You can easily combine the ads we provide you with, to create hundreds or thousands of combinations of headlines, ads, and ad sites, to bring in lots of daily consistent traffic to your sites.
There is no saturation of EZWS in the ad sources, there are more than 2 Billion people online, and I've never had any problems making multiple signups daily, and I've been in this biz for over 2 years, nearly 800 days. Some days I get 5 signups and a lot of them upgrade immediately to the paid packages 2 thru 5.
==>>Your main goal is just to post ads and get as many tour-takers as you can possibly get every day, that's simple. The videos on the site can close your sales of the digital products FOR YOU, and you can get paid unlimited times per day.
There are lots of ways to promote online AND offline, the EZWS backoffice is the most detailed and complete of any business you'll find anywhere!
It really doesn't get any easier than this! Forget everything else out there, EZWS has been in business worldwide for nearly 5 years, and Ron Walsh has almost 20 years of marketing experience and he does NOT COMPETE AGAINST members, as other biz owners do!
I also have a strong background in mail-order marketing for years before going online 14 years ago, so my marketing experience offline & online is also around 20 years of experience, both of us will offer you our best support.
Contact me if you have any questions or concerns, please watch the videos carefully, more than once, take notes if you want, and let me know your plans about joining. I'll send you tons of ads, and lots of links to free high-traffic ad sites. Just because ad sites are "high traffic" doesn't mean they are saturated, all ad sites are gaining new members daily, just like businesses gain new members daily, nothing online is stagnant, internet marketing is a constantly growing dynamic situation.
Sincerely, Kathleen VanBeekom