USFreeAds generates millions of dollars in sales for members every month!
FREE 3-Day Trial Premium Membership:
* Upload up to 12 images with each ad!
* Insert PayPal instant purchase & donate buttons!
* No limit to the amount of items you can advertise!
* Place unlimited different regular ads!
* Place unlimited different photo ads!
* Place unlimited different HTML ads!
* Place unlimited different ads for personal use!
* Place unlimited different ads for business use!
* Free spam protection!
* Free hosting for your images!
* 15% discount on all feature ad purchases!
* Free advanced reply blocking features!
* Full and advanced account management features!
* Edit your ads at any time, in real time!
* Online logging of your replies in your account area!
* Free fully-automatic ad renewals!
* Free automatic and manual bulk ad renewal tools!
* Link to your own shopping cart if you have one!
* Link to your website if you have one!
* Create your own categories for your ads for free!
* Organize your ads into your own categories!
* Optionally generate your own free product catalog if you have lots of ads!
* Auto-generation of your own free website listing just your ads!
* All ads you place are free - there's no 'cost per ad'!
* Enter HTML into your ads to make them REALLY stand out!
* No final transaction fees when you make a sale!
* SMS alerts - receive notification of replies to your ads via your cell phone!
* Add a PayPal shopping cart to your ads/catalog
* Specify shipping costs with your PayPal buttons
* Optionally specify different locations for each ad
* Affiliate advertisers can remove locations from ads
==>>Red Hot since 1999...Go Premium Today at USFreeAds
for a FREE 3 Day Trial and put your best detailed advertising
with 12 images and Paypal buttons in front of over 900,000
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