
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Real Multi $1,000 Day Potential: Videos Close Your Sales!
8/15/2012 9:03:04 PM

Before getting online, I was also involved in USA mail-order marketing for many years, and the print-ad way of doing things is to test all aspects of your advertising: test headlines, test ad-body, and test ad sources.

Most people online are in too much of a hurry to test ads, or don't know that they should, and don't put in their time and effort long enough to find out which ads & ad sites work and which don't.

Advertising should not be a random situation. I've heard from a lot of members in my online business teams who gave up after just a few days of posting a few ads online, and getting no leads. There are 100,000's of people online posting tons of ads, and if you want to compete, you need to CONSISTENTLY promote in lots of different sites DAILY and be UNIQUE and try different promotional methods, also include social networking and photo/name branding, not just plastering the internet with anonymous ads and expecting leads and income to pour in.

My usual day is promoting to approximately 35 or more ad sites, including safelists, traffic exchanges, networks, and classified ads.

Keep working your business daily and put your enthusiasm and effort and time into it, and also put some of that effort and time into learning how the business works, and using the products/services and marketing advice and tools provided.

==>>The worst thing that can happen is, you allow someone else's opinion to become your own, without doing your own studying, and missing out on your own greatness because you believed an unknowledgeable opinion.

Don't allow anyone who's not in your same career path to tell you not to pursue your career path. Don't allow anyone who's not SERIOUS about your business to tell you not to pursue that business.

You've probably heard that before, now here's a unique way to remember not to let anyone who's not in online marketing, or not in your business, to tell you not to pursue your business:

Imagine if an alien from another planet told you that you CAN'T be successful if you're a human on earth. (Now replace the word "human" with the words "internet marketer"...and replace the word "earth" with the name of your business!) You CAN BE successful as a human on earth, and you KNOW don't let ANYONE who's an ALIEN to internet marketing or an alien to your particular business tell you that you can't be successful in what you choose to do, because lots of other people ARE successful in online marketing AND in the business you're in. Remember that!

Don't let anyone who's alien to you, or alien to internet marketing, or alien to your business tell you what to do, don't let anyone tell you that you can't be successful when you know other people who ARE successful in the same career path and business. If YOU want to be a successful human on earth, then make your own decisions and stick with them, do your own studying and form your own opinions, because all the other humans on earth are just humans...just like you, and if you don't know their motivation or knowledge, then don't let them make your decisions for you or form your opinions for you, and most of them are not into online marketing and have not studied marketing for decades, and of those who are, only a small percentage are successful. If you want to be successful at something, listen to the people who ARE successful at it. If you want to fail or give up, listen to those who've never tried or gave up.

Here's a longterm businesses created by someone with decades of marketing experience, Ron Walsh. I've been with EZWS for over 2 years and it has a very detailed backoffice with lots of advice and promotional tools for online AND offline marketing, and has lots of members who've earned $1,000's per month:

EZ Wealth Solution has a PATENTED pay-plan: Nearly 5 years in business! I've been a member for over 2 years, not just a member, one of the top earners, because I've studied the business daily, promoted the business daily for approximately 790 days, and I don't let anyone tell me I CAN'T be a successful "human" on "earth, I don't let anyone tell me I CAN'T be a successful "internet marketer" on "EZ Wealth Solution"!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Real Multi $1,000 Day Potential: Videos Close Your Sales!
8/18/2012 5:20:23 PM

More details on how the info in the backoffice of THIS biz can help you with marketing ANY business:

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Real Multi $1,000 Day Potential: Videos Close Your Sales!
5/14/2013 10:45:59 PM
Details about the product packages in EZ Wealth Solution:

There are 100 products in Package 1 including a 650-article compilation in 20 different popular niches.

The Bonus Pack contains 100 products including the 66-search-engine submitter, and also a 519-page detailed ebook on how to earn income with autoresponders and it has lots of sample messages. This one product is valued at $495 by itself!

Package 2 contains 121 products including lots of article marketing tutorials, these are great in conjuction with that 650-article product in Package 1.

Package 3 contains 150 products including 6 multi-article products for a total of 185 articles in many different niches, and lots of article-marketing tutorials, and private label reseller advice.

Package 4 contains 110 products including 13 multi-article products in several popular niches, that's a total of around 1,000 articles in just 13 of the 110 products in Package 4 and more products about earning with resale rights, so your article marketing can go on for a lifetime! You can also edit them to create new unique articles.

Package 5 contains 122 products, many are each worth $149 or more, including more how-to on article marketing, AND a 114-page tutorial by a famous-name selfmade internet millionaire who became very wealthy within a few years by reselling other peoples' digital products, that's exactly what we're doing in EZWS!

***There are approximately a total of 2,000 private-label-rights articles in Packages 1, 3, and 4 that you can use as-is, or edit and make new unique articles.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Real Multi $1,000 Day Potential: Videos Close Your Sales!
5/31/2013 9:43:18 PM
Getting ready for June! :)
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Ken Wolff

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RE: Real Multi $1,000 Day Potential: Videos Close Your Sales!
6/6/2013 3:42:38 AM
Hi Kathleen!

Thank you for all you have done and are doing in this epic badge hunt! I looked through all of the requirements for your badges and they all seem very reasonable and well thought out. There are so many ways to earn the badges and in doing so develop strong effective wealth building habits.

Please send me your badge #215. If you know anyone who would like my one and only badge you can send them to my Adlandpro or ClickTrackProfit profile.


Ken Wolff
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
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