Quote: It starts here on TV at 7:30 pm eastern time, that's still more than 90 minutes from now as I'm posting.  Well, The opening ceremony was DIFFERENT. I enjoyed it but I'm not sure all non-brits will get the history lesson. At least the hitches were few. I will post a decent opening ceremony video when one appears. Glad you are looking forward to seeing some great competition. There will be disputes and disagreements as usual but at the end of the day, when did 204 countries all hit it off. Let's get behind the world's best. After all this is what so many have spent their life so far in getting to. Cheer your teams. Appreeciate the efforts of the less advantaged. Let's remember the paralympics too. They are overshadowed by the biggest and best but there are wonderful stories of struggle and determination. Well, all is underway here this morning. The cycling gets underway only twenty miles from here in the beautiful Surrey Hills around Dorking in England. I don't think I'll venture in that direction today. Could be a lot of roads closed. It's 9.45 in the morning here and despite a change in the weather THE SUN IS OUT. We have been stuck to the north of the Atlantic jetstream since our hot weather in April. It has rained for months. Four days ago the jetstream shifted north and we have had three days of 30 plus temeratures, BUT, it is slipping south again with rain forcast for Sunday. So expect grey skies and rain for a while. Well, it is London.  Roger