Starting July 19th through August 1st, when you get 5 NEW people to pre-enroll and you help each of those 5 people to pre-enroll 5 more people on each of their accounts, we will send YOU a $100 AMEX Gift Card. How exciting is that! Not only are you working on building your highly successful Dynadealz team, but you have the opportunity to make money doing it.
This is like Groupon...but better...join today!! No Money Out Of Your Pocket!!
If you build four legs with 250 free signups in each leg during the month
of July, the company will cut you a check for $10,000! These are not just your
personals.....this is a total of 1,000 people in your ENTIRE organization! Very
doable if everybody just goes out and signs up a handful of people for free.
Join Here:
These Two Videos are a must watch, really an awesome program.
24/7 Dynadealz Pre-Launch Overview
24/7 Dynadealz Compensation Overview