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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 1/8/2006 (For All You Dog Lovers Like Me)
1/8/2006 7:06:09 AM
Those are great!! I love dogs, too, my two are such a great gift to have in life.
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 1/8/2006 (For All You Dog Lovers Like Me)
1/8/2006 12:09:01 PM
Good Morning Marion, Thanks so much for the great quotes. As we all know dogs are mans best friend, and it is great you shared this with us all today. thanks for the Sunday smile. Make it a great week!
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 1/8/2006 (For All You Dog Lovers Like Me)
1/8/2006 12:45:12 PM
Hello Marion! :-) You are my favorite friend in the community. Thank you for the Sunday smile and the great quotes on dogs. I love my pets too. Here is a dog poem-LaNell ;-) 'Things We Can Learn From A Dog'-When loved ones come home,always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. When you're happy,dance around and wag your entire body. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. When it's in your best interests,practice obedience. Let others know when they have invaded your territory. Stretch before rising. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried,dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day,be silent,sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Bond with your pack. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On hot days,drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree. No matter how often you're scolded,don't buy into the guilt thing and pout. Run right back and make friends. Thrive on attention. Let people pat you on the head. Take naps.-Unknown source
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 1/8/2006 (For All You Dog Lovers Like Me)
1/8/2006 12:59:02 PM
HI AGAIN,SIS Marion! Thanks for the forum, have a great day! I have a cat but soon want a small dog too. God bless you, Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
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Re: Your Sunday Smile :-) 1/8/2006 (For All You Dog Lovers Like Me)
1/8/2006 1:38:08 PM
Thank you for the nice posting about dogs.those are all my sentiments and more. Gene

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