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10/23/2012 7:31:26 PM
October 23, 2012 By Debra Smith

The Third 2012 Presidential Debate

I am not a Romney fan (I am not an Obama fan either), but I thought Romney actually won this third presidential debate.

Yes, he agreed with a lot of what Obama has done with foreign affairs. However, in areas where he should not have agreed, he didn’t.

He spoke up for Israel and nailed Obama for having not visited there on his apologetic Middle East presidential trip early on. He also spoke up about Russia and mentioned Obama’s “oops” moment with the microphone on. He made clear that Iran is the biggest foreign threat. And he could not have been more thorough about China’s inability to play fair and what he would do there.

He did these things while certainly holding his own in the exchange and not letting Obama get the better of him. And actually, I felt that Obama again often looked like one of those bouncy doggy heads in the back window of a 1960s Chevy. So why is the mainstream media saying Obama won? I guess we all know why.

10/23/2012 7:45:58 PM
October 23, 2012 By Matt Barber
Did you vote for Barack Obama in 2008? A lot of people did – obviously.

What a time. There’s still room for improvement, but what a testimony to just how far we as a nation have come in terms of racial harmony, tolerance, and diversity.

Only decades earlier, a man like Barack Obama – a black man – couldn’t even drink from the same water fountain as a white man, let alone become president of the United States. A hundred years prior to that, and he may well have been counted another man’s property.

On Nov. 4, 2008, millions gathered at the ballot box to prove, once and for all, that, in large measure, we as a nation have healed from our disgraceful, self-inflicted wounds of racial abuse, bias, and division.

That we could elect an African-American to lead the free world is indeed a very good thing.

We just happened to elect the wrong African-American.

In life, we sometimes find that the idea of a thing is far better than the thing itself. As a boy, I once ordered, from a comic book, a pair of X-ray glasses that promised to allow me to see the bones beneath my hand (my motives were a bit more ignoble). The two weeks it took for the glasses to arrive seemed like an eternity.

Once they did arrive, I ripped into the package and put them on, darting my head to-and-fro. It’s difficult to express my level of disappointment. As I quickly discovered, the glasses merely formed a halo effect around objects, creating the illusion of transparency. I felt embarrassed. I got took.

Barack Obama’s presidency has been a halo effect. Like I did so many years ago, in 2008, America fell victim to false advertising. As the past four years have demonstrated beyond any serious debate, the idea of President Obama was far better than the reality of President Obama. We were promised the world. We were promised transparency; but we were sold an illusion. We got took.

Indeed, during the 2008 campaign, a then-Sen. Barack Obama promised us that, if elected, we would look back upon the moment he took office and “tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”

That was the idea of President Obama. That was what many good, well-meaning people voted for. That was the hope offered and the change promised.

That was not what we got.

Though it’s certainly not a comprehensive analysis, during the second presidential debate, Mitt Romney, in response to Mr. Obama’s attempts to gloss over his mounting leadership failures, summarized a few of the big ones. While addressing an audience member who, perhaps like you, voted for Obama in 2008, Romney observed, in part, the following:

“I think you know better. I think you know that these last four years haven’t been so good as the president just described and that you don’t feel like you’re confident that the next four years are going to be much better either. …

“He said that, by now, we’d have unemployment at 5.4 percent. The difference between where it is and 5.4 percent is 9 million Americans without work. …

“He said he would have, by now, put forward a plan to reform Medicare and Social Security because he pointed out they’re on the road to bankruptcy. He would reform them. He’d get that done. He hasn’t even made a proposal on either one.

“He said in his first year he’d put out an immigration plan that would deal with our immigration challenges. Didn’t even file it.

“This is a president who has not been able to do what he said he’d do. He said that he’d cut in half the deficit. He hasn’t done that either. In fact, he doubled it.

“He said that by now, middle-income families would have a reduction in their health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. It’s gone up by $2,500 a year. And if Obamacare is … implemented fully, it’ll be another $2,500. …

“The middle class is getting crushed under the policies of a president who has not understood what it takes to get the economy working again. … [T]he number of people who are still looking for work is still 23 million Americans.

“There are more people in poverty, one out of six people in poverty.

“How about food stamps? When he took office, 32 million people were on food stamps. Today, 47 million people are on food stamps. How about the growth of the economy? It’s growing more slowly this year than last year – and more slowly last year than the year before. …”

The president has tried, but his policies haven’t worked.

Recently, my wife and I attended an outdoor festival in central Virginia. Although the event was not political, there were people from both the Obama and Romney camps handing out campaign stickers and other items. I suspect that if a poll were taken, liberals outnumbered conservatives by about two-to-one.

That’s why I was so taken aback. Although we saw dozens of people wearing Romney stickers, we only saw one man wearing an Obama sticker.

We walked up to a fellow with a gray pony tail, John Lennon glasses, and Birkenstocks. He was wearing a Romney sticker.

Mind if I ask why you’re voting for Mitt Romney?” I asked. “I assume you are.”

His reply – and these were his words, not mine – was short and to the point: “Because I refuse to be that stupid twice.”

Changing one’s mind doesn’t always reveal a tendency toward indecision. Sometimes, changing one’s mind reveals a tendency toward wisdom.

10/24/2012 12:46:14 PM
Hello everyone, just a few comments on some observations I've made in the last couple of days. I'm sure many of you have seen a certain thread that the authors are trying to pass off as something entirely different than what it actually is. I don't know about most of you but to me this is a slap in the face to all of us who have been victims of ScratchyCat on the RealScam site and by that I mean about the posting of a live link to ScratchyCat's hate blog. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words and the actions of these two ladies definitely speaks louder than any words can. I must also say I am very disappointed with both of them in starting this three ring circus. I for one expected better from both of them.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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10/24/2012 7:58:23 PM
Hi Mary Evelyn,

All someone would need to do is imagine their name in place of the person being harassed, and see how that would feel if it was them being harassed on many sites for a long amount of time.

One thing I keep telling people, I gave ScratchyCat time, a long time, to remove my name from the RS site, and after 2 weeks, she did NOT, and proceeded to make it worse. She had TWO WEEKS to stop but she CHOSE to make it worse, and then proceeded to harass dozens more people, with her focus on Adlandpro Community, with her focus on deliberately trying to cause people to lose income, including the owner of Adlandpro.

What to do about being bullied? Depend upon yourself because some of those who profess to "help" are only seeking attention & online traffic for themselves, and if we're not in their circle of close friends, we get targeted for not kowtowing to their viewpoint. See my signature file:

10/24/2012 8:42:37 PM
Kathleen no one knows better than you and I what it's like to endure online harassment. We also know this person has a sick and devious mind who is obsessed with trying to smear our names and reputations and that it's been going on for well over a year and a half now. She craves attention, any kind of attention, so it seems. I guess we just need to depend on a higher power to take care of the situation. Things have a way of working out and what goes around comes around.

Hi Mary Evelyn,

All someone would need to do is imagine their name in place of the person being harassed, and see how that would feel if it was them being harassed on many sites for a long amount of time.

One thing I keep telling people, I gave ScratchyCat time, a long time, to remove my name from the RS site, and after 2 weeks, she did NOT, and proceeded to make it worse. She had TWO WEEKS to stop but she CHOSE to make it worse, and then proceeded to harass dozens more people, with her focus on Adlandpro Community, with her focus on deliberately trying to cause people to lose income, including the owner of Adlandpro.

What to do about being bullied? Depend upon yourself because some of those who profess to "help" are only seeking attention & online traffic for themselves, and if we're not in their circle of close friends, we get targeted for not kowtowing to their viewpoint. See my signature file:


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