Because. unfortunately for the "WEAK MINDED" , it is so easy to simply, without investigation, on a personal input or just going off, of what they have heard or seen, especially, with reguards to social media. People are easily programmable. They do and act out of purely that. So, if all you see or hear is of the "NEGATIVE" that becomes their reality. The very same holds true for the "POSITIVE" the same result will become their reality.
For, me and my household we don't speak of the "NEGATIVE", we respect and appreciate the "POSITIVE", no, its not easy. but, it is accomplished when you put your heart into it.
By, the way, if your looking for something to do in your spare time, and this is really great for, stay at home parents, retirees, senior citizens, or just anyonw who wants to take advantage of this: Go too: https:mcrmgo/go/gopwa/5849 And also, Thank you do something different everyday, its called "EVOLVING" thanks ,talk again soon!!!!