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10/7/2013 3:23:24 PM
Hello Ralph, of course they have, so what is your point?? I don't understand what you are saying.

Blacks have been voting for whites for years so whats the problem.
10/8/2013 3:56:38 PM
Amy Payne October 8, 2013 at 6:30 am

Apparently things aren’t ugly enough in Washington, so President Obama has started scaring senior citizens.

“In a government shutdown, Social Security checks still go out on time,” he said last week. “In an economic shutdown, if we don’t raise the debt ceiling, they don’t go out on time.”

This scare mongering is completely unnecessary, says Heritage’s Grover M. Hermann Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs, Romina Boccia.

President Obama is needlessly scaring seniors by suggesting that their Social Security benefit checks may not arrive on time if the U.S. runs out of borrowing authority at the debt limit. The 57 million Americans who receive Social Security benefits should know that their benefits will not be affected—unless President Obama and the Treasury deliberately choose not to pay them.

Boccia details three reasons why Social Security checks can still be paid even if the U.S. hits the debt ceiling.

Meanwhile, Congress is in gridlock confronting the real threat to seniors: Obamacare. For this entire segment of the population, Obamacare threatens:

  • Less access to care
  • Fewer health plan choices
  • Less access to physicians
  • Higher premiums in Medicare Part D
  • Higher taxes

And on top of all that, the future of Medicare is still in jeopardy. As Heritage expert Alyene Senger says, “Rather than implementing the structural reform desperately needed in Medicare, Obamacare’s provisions threaten current seniors’ ability to access care and leave Medicare in jeopardy for future generations.”

There is a real threat to our seniors’ personal health care decisions and their savings. Congress should act now to defund this unfair, unworkable, unaffordable law.

10/9/2013 12:39:51 PM
Sorry I could not find a youtube video for this video.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) not only doesn’t put up with any crap from MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, but schools her on the fact that Obamacare treats big business differently than individuals and families. And he does it well, even throwing Jon Stewart in her face because he asked the questions that they should be asking. He rounds it off at the end telling her “I think the media should start doing it’s job.” BOOM!

He even leaves her speechless at one point, but I’m gonna make you watch to see that. It’s awesome:



10/10/2013 4:08:43 PM
October 9, 2013 by
Barack Obama’s namesake healthcare scheme will cut $716 billion from Medicare over the next 10 years. Add to this a dramatic reduction in Medicare-related reimbursement for doctors and hospitals, and countless seniors may find it difficult to obtain necessary medical treatment.
Following are Medicare facts most baby boomers may know little or nothing about. But those who must depend upon Medicare over the next decade are going to get a real education, an education in the true nature of death panels and socialized medicine.
1) “Medicare is essentially compulsory. People who refuse to join Medicare Part A are not allowed to receive their earned Social Security benefits. On June 30, 2011, U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint and 12 GOP colleagues introduced the Retirement Freedom Act to decouple Medicare from Social Security. On February 7, 2012, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held that ‘because plaintiffs are entitled to Social Security benefits and are 65 or older, they are automatically entitled to Medicare Part A benefits. The statute offers no path to disclaim their legal entitlement to Medicare Part A benefits.’”

2) “Medicare patients cannot pay cash for care. A 1997 law (Balanced Budget Act, section 4507) forbids private contracts between patients and doctors.” This means that “Medicare recipients cannot pay cash for a Medicare-covered service that Medicare DENIES until the doctor has opted out of Medicare.” (My Caps) So Medicare patients must first find a fee for a service doctor or specialist and then HOPE he will be willing and able to treat them! It is incredible that it makes no difference that Medicare has DENIED their claim. (Remember that illegals may well get this same treatment free of charge simply by walking into the nearest Emergency Room.)

3) “Initial refusal to enroll in Medicare Part B leads to costly penalties. Seniors are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B. Those who refuse and later change their minds will pay a premium for the rest of their lives that is 10 percent higher for each year they were not enrolled.”

Seventy seven million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 are currently becoming eligible for Medicare enrollment. The number of Medicare beneficiaries will grow “…from 50.7 million in 2012 to 81 million in 2030.” During the next 17 years, doctors and hospitals will be reimbursed at a lower rate for Medicare services with each passing year. At the same time, the number of qualified physicians is expected to decrease dramatically as the number of older patients requiring care skyrockets. The left were hardly unaware of these facts when they rammed the Affordable Care Act through Congress.

In 2012, appx 56% of Americans 65 or older voted for Mitt Romney. As weak and disappointing as this Obama-lite candidate was, he received a strong majority of the senior vote.

So the question becomes, in addition to acquiring the power of life and death over the American people, has the Affordable Care Act provided Democrats a method of “cancelling out” the Republican edge among future senior voters?

Please click on the following link for the remainder of the Medicare facts: They are well worth your time.
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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10/11/2013 9:50:39 AM
Ralph, it has nothing to do with Obama being black. It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with his ineptness, his lying and deceitfulness, his evilness ...and on and on. He says he`s a Christian but his actions and speech betrays him. He sounds more like a Muslim. If he was a good honest Muslim who loved America, he would admit that he is Muslim and if he were a good man, it would be ok that he is president ...even if his skin is a bit darker. Yes, I said a bit darker. He`s also a white man.

Ralph, get off of this `color` thing and look at what this man truly is. Study everything. Start at YouTube. Do an honest Search looking for both pros and cons ...will you see just what you want to see or will you see the truth? By even bringing up color, you are admitting to being a racist yourself. ANYONE who voted for Obama only because he is black is the most racist of all.

While you are listening to videos, find some for Benjamin Carson. Now he is a truly honest and intelligent man and thousands of times better than Obama`s little finger. And oh, by the way, he`s even blacker than Obama. Also he`s a true American.

I have seen black people who have admitted that they voted for Obama just for the color of his skin and now they are ashamed.

I suggest from the tone of your post, it is time for you to be ashamed, you racist.


Blacks have been voting for whites for years so whats the problem.
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