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Ken Wolff

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Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro
7/22/2012 8:57:35 PM
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Hi AdLandPro Friends,

Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro on the fast track and we
will work together to build your Brand.

Bweeble Team in AdLandPro Forum Description:

Viral Branding turned the list builder market on it's head...only at Bweeble.

Click Here to join!

The name itself is crazy!! Check it out! Join Bweeble, see all that you can do, update your profile, & start branding. Copy the graphics, emails, banners, edit them with your creativity and add them to this forum.

We will work as a team to build your Bweeble downline in AdLandPro!

Click on New Topic to add your own personal thread, include your clickable graphics and affiliate links.

We will pay it forward!

Bweeble Banner click to Join
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Mr. D

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RE: Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro
7/23/2012 10:58:33 AM
Good Morning, I see you signed up for the new thing.
I see Jim is promoting this new thing too.
What can you tell me more of this, and why I should be using this for my own
Websites that are not affiliate sites and are main business Websites.
There are key factors that I always look into on new sites and social networks.
One is are they optimized for search engines. User Names, Profiles, Business Websites,
and posting showing up in generic searches. I run my own list building, email campaigns, and that is directly related to my real customers that sign up to receive updates, specials, and more. Branding myself as an expert in my field of interest, what I know about, and good at.
So point being, What am I branding and why I need this?

Ken Wolff

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RE: Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro
7/23/2012 5:22:15 PM
Hi Mark,

Thank you for your questions. I myself am very hesitant to sign up for what looks like the latest fad. However, Bweeble caught my attention when I noticed who was signing up for it. You mentioned Jim. I noticed several leaders in the industry that I am following in other networks. At that point I took a closer look.

I really like the Bweeble of the day feature:

"Do you want your ad included in 1000s of emails sent out at Bweeble for one full day?

That’s right, with the special Bweeb of the Day ad, your link will be included in 1000s of email sent by our members at Bweeble for one full day.

Plus, your ad will also be spotlighted on every member’s home page. That’s two amazing ad spots wrapped into one – and they are up for grabs every day!

All you have to do is place the highest credit bid to secure your ad gets shown as the Bweeb of the Day and shown to everyone who logs into Bweeble. Bid now!

Your Bweeb of the Day ad shown on Bweeble will have your profile picture (make sure you have added your picture!) with your email subject line next to it. People will earn credits by clicking on your subject line and be sent to your website and your customized profile bar.

Now’s your chance to sneak into 10 THOUSAND emails and be featured on every Bweeble members home page, so start bidding now before its gone!"

The key point in using this social network is the "branding." That is one of the main things that I look for in a social network. AdLandPro is a great place for "branding too. I know for example when I think of you I think of amazing graphic designs. People in our industry need what you have to offer.

If you do a search on Google for Bweeble Ken Wolff Internet Marketing Consultant, I come up second on the list right behind Alexa Top Sites.

The reason to join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro is that traffic to your sites become exponential. We direct traffic to your sites. As people come to this forum they see the links and graphics posted by all of the members. Each member can use their own resources to drive traffic to the forum so that everyone benefits.

Hope this is what you were looking for.

BTW Thank you for all that you do in the AdlandPro Learning Center!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Mr. D

840 Posts
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RE: Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro
7/25/2012 11:09:33 AM

Interesting. What are bids and what am I bidding with. Are they credits that I have to click on to earn? or are they something that they have developed to pay for?

I did the search and it came up with Linkedin Profiles and wonderful that you are listed, but did your try a generic search for Internet Marketing Consultant?

If you are hitting first page with that than you are hot. Direct searches are good but how many will actually but in those search words looking for a Consultant?

There is something that I came across doing this and that is looking at my Website with statscrop. SEO is a little higher but not the Alexa Score as I target only my area and people looking for my services. Have a look and tell me what you think.

How can Bweeble help Me? My other Internet based business for logo designs and Website help is still on the ground floor until the business plan is set up. That one I just do for Free and Fun to learn more and get new challenges.

To me, it is all about Branding and getting recognized as a expert in field of interest.

Mr. D

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RE: Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro
7/25/2012 11:42:54 AM
Another Point of Interest:
Other things I look at is that profiles that are listed in any site and adding your own domain names, and Websites, and if they are crawled to bring up content. When Google crawls this site does it see who you are, what you do, or what you are Branding?

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