Lotto Magic is not an "internet" business, it's a real-world business with a web presence. Lotto Magic was created in 1996 by a publisher of a mail-order newspaper, and it dominated the mail-order industry for it's first 9 years (and still does)...before going online in 2005. Members play in REAL USA lotteries: 42-state Powerball and Florida Lotto. This is NOT internet gambling. There are lots of promotional tools for online AND offline marketing, multi-billions of promotional postcards for Lotto Magic have been mailed thru 1,000's of post offices in USA for the past 16 & a half years. The promotional materials have been seen and cleared by numerous USA postmasters. This is a legitimate business and has been for it's entire time since January 1996. I remember negative comments when I first started posting this business here in January 2007, I also made a lot of signups. Now it's 5 & a half years later, there are still negative comments and still a lot of signups! Lotto Magic and I have withstood the test of time, actually it was in business for 9 years and doing extremely well before I ever joined. (I had joined for a few months in 2005 and quit without trying hard enough, that was before I became a member of Adlandpro Community, then I rejoined in 2007). Actually, I've studied a LOT of businesses because I was involved in mail-order for about 10 years before I ever got online in 1998, so I try to choose businesses wisely...and promote heavily...daily.