
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Charts of Lotto Magic potential: This is Rated A with the BBB:
7/19/2012 12:20:14 PM

Lotto Magic is rated A with the Better Business Bureau, and has been in business since 1996. I've been a member since 2007 and just received my 67th consecutive monthly paycheck.

Members Per Level on This Chart InfoInfo Below is Example of 5 Power Captains Referred by Each Power Captain thru 5 Levels
Commission For Personal Referrals$60 Each, Recurring Monthly
Commission For Downliners in Levels 2 thru 5$4 Each, Recurring Monthly
Monthly Income$15,900
Yearly Income$190,800
Percentage of Win You Get from Your Personal Winning TicketsYou Get 50% of Personal Wins, the Other 50% is Divided to the 5 People Above You Each Getting 10%
Percentage of Win Collected from Each Downliner's Winning Tickets thru 5 LevelsAlways 10% From Each Winning Ticket In Your Entire Downline
Florida Lotto Tickets Per Drawing3,906
Powerball Tickets Per Drawing3,906
Florida Lotto Tickets Per 9-Drawing Month35,154
Powerball Tickets Per 9-Drawing Month35,154

Each Power Captain Only Needs To Make 5 Referrals Of Power Captains For All Time, in a 5x5 Matrix of Power Captains, To Gain The Above Amounts of Monthly & Yearly Commissions and per-drawing and per-9-drawing amounts of tickets! (not 5 referrals monthly!)

Here's another chart below, showing a 2x5 matrix up to a 5x5 matrix. If everyone just makes 2 referrals, you'll break even on your membership cost, and then your lottery tickets will be virtually FREE and you'll be earning a recurring monthly paycheck if everyone thru 5 levels each has 2 referrals. OR just make 3 personal referrals and that will also generate a paycheck for you, without depending on your downline to get signups.

LOTTO MAGIC Potential From a 2x5 Matrix up to a 5x5 Matrix:
Members x Levels
Monthly Income
Yearly Income
FL Lotto Tickets Per Draw
Powerball Tickets Per Draw
FL Lotto Tickets Per Month
Powerball Tickets Per Month
2 x 53 x 54 x 55 x 5
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Charts of Lotto Magic potential: This is Rated A with the BBB:
7/19/2012 12:44:08 PM

Lotto Magic is not an "internet" business, it's a real-world business with a web presence.

Lotto Magic was created in 1996 by a publisher of a mail-order newspaper, and it dominated the mail-order industry for it's first 9 years (and still does)...before going online in 2005.

Members play in REAL USA lotteries: 42-state Powerball and Florida Lotto. This is NOT internet gambling.

There are lots of promotional tools for online AND offline marketing, multi-billions of promotional postcards for Lotto Magic have been mailed thru 1,000's of post offices in USA for the past 16 & a half years. The promotional materials have been seen and cleared by numerous USA postmasters. This is a legitimate business and has been for it's entire time since January 1996.

I remember negative comments when I first started posting this business here in January 2007, I also made a lot of signups. Now it's 5 & a half years later, there are still negative comments and still a lot of signups! Lotto Magic and I have withstood the test of time, actually it was in business for 9 years and doing extremely well before I ever joined. (I had joined for a few months in 2005 and quit without trying hard enough, that was before I became a member of Adlandpro Community, then I rejoined in 2007). Actually, I've studied a LOT of businesses because I was involved in mail-order for about 10 years before I ever got online in 1998, so I try to choose businesses wisely...and promote heavily...daily.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Charts of Lotto Magic potential: This is Rated A with the BBB:
7/19/2012 6:59:57 PM

There are 9 ways to win cash in Powerball, from $4 up to multi-millions, the base jackpot starts at $40,000,000 and frequently goes into the $100,000,000's.

There are 4 ways to win in Florida Lotto, from $3 up to multi-millions, the base jackpot is $3,000,000 and frequently goes into the $10,000,000's.

If anyone in your Lotto Magic downline wins anything, you get 10%, so if you have a large downline, you could be receiving lots of small winnings added to your paycheck, there's a maximum of 9 drawings per month. Some months only have 8 drawings. If your own ticket wins, you get 50%.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Charts of Lotto Magic potential: This is Rated A with the BBB:
8/2/2012 6:02:13 PM

Here's my chart site for Lotto Magic, people really like the charts! An Adlandpro member found one of my ads during a web search and contacted me thru ALP messaging about Lotto Magic. I just received my 67th consecutive monthly paycheck. I've been with it since the beginning of 2007.

Lotto Magic is rated A with the Better Business Bureau and has been in biz since 1996.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Charts of Lotto Magic potential: This is Rated A with the BBB:
8/3/2012 7:19:00 PM

A new member joined overnight. Join Lotto Magic and I'll send you links to 1,000 free ad sites and my best ad (the one that brought in the new signup!)

Lotto Magic also has lots of offline marketing tools, and an optional mailing co-op that can send out hundreds to thousands of professionally packaged postal mailings for you, coded to your Lotto Magic account. Leads can call a special number and request more info, including an audio CD explaining the Lotto Magic opportunity.

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