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Don Evans

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Let Us Do The Recruiting For You!
7/17/2012 11:28:26 AM

Most people who come here don't ever make any real money, and
there are a lot of different reasons for that. Probably the most important
is the fact that much of everything you see on the internet about how to
make money is not designed for YOU to make money in the first place.
In fact, they are designed for YOU to spend money. The sad fact is that
there are a lot of people out there who will say whatever they need to
in order to get your money in their pocket!

There are some good (companies, money making systems and programs)
out there, but unfortunately most people fail with those too. For two
important reasons:

(1). They don't have any money to work with, AND in spite of what
some people will tell you, it does take money to make money. There
is no such thing as a free lunch in business. If it says FREE, watch out
for the hidden costs!

Unfortunately, if you don't have any money to work with, there is nothing
that I can do for you except to encourage you to come back and look at
this again when you do have some money to work with.. However, if you
can afford to spend from $25 to $100 during the next 30 days or so without
having to use grocery money to do that, you can invest that money in Advertising
with Genius 1000, and
get back up to 500% on every dollar you spend!

(2). They cannot sponsor (recruit) new members in the program.

You will not have to do any recruiting to earn that kind of money here.
This is a completely PASSIVE income program where the hardest thing
you will ever have to do is to keep track of your money as it comes in
and pay your taxes!

There is NO COST to sign up and check it out for yourself.
You can sign up
for free by clicking on the link below. However, you will need to pay a $7.00
start up fee and enter your $2.00 weekly subscription to activate your account
before you can start making money. There is absolutely
EARNINGS.I have been with them ever since it started, so I know it works!
The more money you spend on advertising, the more money you make. Heck,
I even give you a 100% Money Back Guarantee! (See below)

This Is A LONG TERM financial growth opportunity!

This is not just some flash in the pan, here today and gone tomorrow "get rich quick"
kind of scheme to get your money.
Genius 1000 was designed specifically to overcome
the problems in virtually all the other programs out there! They did that by creating a
cost program that is designed to grow, and grow, and grow, AND most important, a
program that is designed to last LONG TERM!.

This Is My 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Visit the website, get signed up, pay the one time administrative cost of $7.00
and enter your subscription for $2.00 per week. During that first week, take the
time to explore the website and get to know the various advertising investment
options that area available to you as a member. Also watch for and READ all
administrative updates that will go out to go all members during the week. After
7 days,
if for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the program,
cancel your $2.00 subscription
(That's easy. It only takes about a minute.),
let me know you have done that, and I will transfer $9.00 from my
Payza account to yours within 24 hours.

Don Evans
P.S. If you are still with me, you will be interested to know that NOT ONE PERSON
has ever asked me for their money back! You will love it here!!


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