
^`^--"How Cute Is Your Pet?"
7/14/2012 7:18:40 AM

^`^--"How Cute Is Your Pet?"

$1,000 question

Bacon Will your pet join the pantheon of DFW’s Model Pets? It’s time for our fun,

furry contest again, the one where we seek out the Metroplex’s most awesome pet.

Last year’s winner was Isabelle, a big beautiful Mastiff whose story of healing

touched our hearts; in 2010, we chose an icy-eyed Siberian husky princess named Sacha,

and in 2009, it was the insanely happy French Bull dog named Bacon.

So for 2012, it could be your Fritz or Fifi. If you think your dog, cat, canary, guinea pig,

or what-have-you is truly something special, you could win a fabulous prize.

Click it==>

A change from previous years: this year, we will have prizes for the top dog, top cat and top alterna-pet.

And as always, if you entered your pet in a previous year, you can submit him or her

again, unless you’re the parents of a former winner.

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