Jill Bachman
Jill Bachman"s Bio:
My husband and I have lived in the same small town location since graduating from college, and we spent most of our time raising our family and working very hard in pursuit of the American Dream. We raised 3 wonderful children, had a small ranchette with horses and all varieties of 4-H aniimals, and we owned a small business in Engineering and Architectural design.
But, the truth of the matter was that the business owned us, and we did not have the time to enjoy life!. Once our children left home, we also found the ranchette also owned us! So, it was time to do some serious thinking about our future. Taking our frustrations very seriously, we downsized our downtown office location, and moved the office to our home. That was a monumental endeavor, but it truly FELT like the first step to freedom.
Then we decided to downsize further, and move to a mountainous lake community at the 4500 ft. elevation level, and thoroughly realize the benefits of working "anywhere" from home........except for the snow So, with our newly found Freedom of Lifestyle, we again moved ..... back to our small town location in the valley, and thanked our lucky stars when we found a home on a small peaceful fact, the ONLY lake in town. We hated leaving all that beautiful water behind, so now we again have our "water fix." And, the best part is we are now closer to our children and grandchildren, and we are finally WARM again.
Choosing the right Internet Business and Team can be challenging. You want a business and a team that has experience, knowledge, integrity, and of course, innovative ideas. And, we can honestly tell you we have experienced, tested, failed and succeeded at it all. On all counts, we have the background, knowledge, and desire to help you succeed.
Thank you,