If you want to make money, this does work. Razorpay - 2 Pay Plans 7.5% for 20 days -150% $20 to $30,000 18% for 8 days - 144% $250 to $30,000 Admin/Owner John Genens in Skype room Join Here: http://www.razorpay.com/?ref=sdossey Earn referral commissions over many levels! Skype - sherry.dossey I will add you. A possible $400 investment strategy for the 18%--8 day Plan.. Since the term is so short, you could just reinvest all of it every 8 days for a little over a month. $400 would turn to $576, to $829, to $1193 to $1717. From there you keep $917, and with the $800 left, you invest $400 every 2 days. 8 days later (on which you would be making your 5th consecutive 2 day $400 investment) you should have a leftover balance of $168, which you can withdraw and you will be able to withdraw $104 every 2 days after that as long as you keep reinvesting the $400 every 2 days. This strategy takes 41 days, yielding $416 per week, $1664 per month. To raise the amount, you would have to reinvest for 4 or 5 two-day cycles and start withdrawing again after that. The more you start with, the more you can withdraw every 2 days! http://www.razorpay.com/?ref=sdossey