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Ken Wolff

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RE: Join Free With Vitalizer
3/12/2013 3:45:04 AM
Hey Elaine!

Just a suggestion here.

If you note what occurred in the winning $100 Sign Up Bonus & 35-Money-Making Sites thread posted by
Peace Akosua., since I paid it forward on March 10th in Click Voyager. She received over 2000 hits to that one thread alone.

Now I know that you and a lot of other members of the Click Voyager Team in AdLandPro could do the same thing.

One other thing for you and anybody else in the
Deal of the Day to note is that by my posting this message in your thread it is going to bring your thread to the top of the first page. That is going to get more hits to your site as others will be attracted to the title of your thread (Join Free With Vitalizer)

Everyone is likely going to notice that you have 20,359 views of your site. They will probably get curious and click on your thread noticing that there are 5 post in that thread. Do you think that the 6 post in your thread will give people an indication as to where all that traffic came from?...Just wondering.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Elaine Groff Wolff

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RE: Join Free With Vitalizer
3/12/2013 6:50:34 AM
Thank you Ken for bringing our thread to the top! I do like the idea of presenting this on Click Voyager. As you know we are moving tomorrow and do not know when I will have time to do it.but I will. Elaine
Elaine Groff Wolff
Branka Babic

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RE: Join Free With Vitalizer
3/12/2013 6:59:06 AM
Hi Elaine and Ken,

You make a great team, not only a couple :), congratulations!
It is a pleasure to watch out the at way of your communication and of support each other.

My hectic time is a Chinese Wall between me and all what I wish to learn and try (from Internet marketing etc ...), but at least I am fortunate to feed up my eye and soul by the great examples shared by my AdlandPro friends.

Wishing you a big success and all best!

Elaine Groff Wolff

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RE: Join Free With Vitalizer
3/13/2013 7:36:58 AM
Thank you Branka! I tried to pin it in Pinterest but did not know what I was doing. Thank you also for the example that you set in supporting Adlandpro and all of our friends there!

I enjoy working with Ken and I do believe we make a good team. He has set a challenge before me and though we have traveled a long way today I want to at least get started on it.


Elaine Groff Wolff
Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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RE: Join Free With Vitalizer
3/13/2013 7:54:56 AM
You are welcome Elaine!
What exactly you want to put on Pinterest? I wish I could be of help.

I am ignoramus, but one incredibly lucky :))). Like a blind hen, I find my grain and do what I meant to do.

Here is a hectic Wednesday morning. Must run off. Say hi to Ken please, and have a good and restful night.
