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What is the best way to Build A Loyal Following...
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Santa ...
What is the best way to Build A Loyal Following & Responsive Downline?
6/17/2012 3:47:09 AM
In an effort to help people who are seeking better health and a possible source of additional income, we submitted this message to 1152 of our downline in
last week:
Join Free With Vitalizer & Receive 100,007 Click Voyager Credits
You Have An Email From Your Upline!
Hi TTT Friends,
What would you do with 100,007 Click Voyager Credits?
If you are a member of Click Voyager you know there is a lot you can do with that amount of credits. If you are not a member you need to join in order to receive the credits. Click on the bottom line of the splash page you go to for credits to join Click Voyager. You also need to Join Shaklee with the purchase of Vitalizer($100.00 value) for your membership($19.95 value)to be free.
Warning! This is like Disneyland. You just can't do it all in one day, or if you are surfing you will probably want to move on in a few seconds, so save this message. There are two places to click on the splash page you go to for credits. There are hundreds of places to click on the Shaklee & Click Voyager websites. It will not take you long to see the benefits of joining both programs.
We are looking forward to working with you.
Elaine J & Ken R Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultants
On Facebook
On Twitter
Your past cannot be changed:
change Tomorrow by your Actions
P.S. Click For Credits to Join Free With Vitalizer
P.P.S. Your Referral Means the World to Us. We invest 100% of our time and energy on delivering first class service, value, and results to our customers. Our valued customers, associates, and friends refer their family, friends, and associates to us for advice on Marketing of their business. We're interested in building strong, life-long relationships one person at a time. We sincerely and humbly appreciate your support.
So far it has received 90 clicks for credits. Every person who clicked received
100 position points & 50 Traffic Credits! Actual # of people taking advantage of this great offer...0. You kind of have to wonder if it is worth it. You click all week 300 to 500 hundred
or more
times a day just to send a message to 1,092 virtual downline plus however many direct or random referrals you have.
Now do not get me wrong. There are a lot more reasons than sending messages to actively participate in
. It is on of my favorite Traffic Exchanges. The owner Matthew Graves is very generous with his other exchanges as well. When you surf
Splash Page Surfer
at the same time you surf
you get extra bonus credits. I do that daily. If you are doing the same thing you will probably see a lot of the sites that I am promoting in those exchanges. Matthew also has a new and very popular exchange called
. I joined and love that one too but have to admit that I am not making full use of that resource as yet.
I would be interested in your input on this so I created this poll:
What is better ALP or TTT?
What is a better way of building a loyal following & responsive downline
TopTierTraffic - (0)
AdLandPro - (2)
TopTierMailer - (0)
Other and please add a comment with your suggestions! - (0)
This poll has expired.
Total Votes: 2
Please login to vote.
Disadvantages of
are that you can not include URLs, text links or graphics in your messages. It is a plain text only source of communication.
Here is the same message that I sent in TopTierTraffic edited with AdLandPro's message resource:
Hi ALP Friends,
What would you do with 100,007
Click Voyager
If you are a member of
Click Voyager
you know there is a lot you can do with that amount of credits. If you are not a member you need to join in order to receive the credits. Click on the bottom line of
the splash page
you go to for credits to join Click Voyager. You also need to
Join Shaklee with the purchase of Vitalizer
($100.00 value) for your membership($19.95 value)to be free.
Warning! This is like Disneyland. You just can't do it all in one day, or if you are surfing you will probably want to move on in a few seconds, so save this message. There are two places to click on the splash page you go to for credits. There are hundreds of places to click on the
Click Voyager
websites. It will not take you long to see the benefits of joining both programs.
We are looking forward to working with you.
Elaine J & Ken R Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant
On Facebook
On Twitter
Your past cannot be changed:
change Tomorrow by your Actions
Click Here
to Join Free With Vitalizer
P.P.S. Your Referral Means the World to Us. We invest 100% of our time and energy on delivering first class service, value, and results to our customers. Our valued customers, associates, and friends refer their family, friends, and associates to us for advice on Marketing of their business. We're interested in building strong, life-long relationships one person at a time. We sincerely and humbly appreciate your support.
Ken Wolff
The Soaring Eagle Team
RE: What is the best way to Build A Loyal Following & Responsive Downline?
6/19/2012 5:44:37 AM
Well.... I just sent this link to Matthew Graves... I don't know if he will look at it but we will see. Ken loves to share new ideas. I love SHAKLEE and Ken.
Elaine Groff Wolff
Santa ...
RE: What is the best way to Build A Loyal Following & Responsive Downline?
6/19/2012 6:30:30 AM
Thank you Elaine! We do share a passion for helping people. I enjoy working with you on and offline. It brings to mind what ...who was it that said, "if you enjoy your work you will never have to work a day of your life." What we do is more like play than it is work. In fact being retired...we do what we want to don't we?
Ken Wolff
The Soaring Eagle Team
RE: What is the best way to Build A Loyal Following & Responsive Downline?
6/19/2012 6:43:46 AM
I voted for adlandpro but another interactive place might be
Elaine Groff Wolff
Santa ...
RE: What is the best way to Build A Loyal Following & Responsive Downline?
6/19/2012 7:43:28 AM
You are so right Elaine! I like SLE too. In fact I like all of Maryanne's traffic exchanges. At least all of them I have signed up for. It makes me wish I had more hours in the day just to sign up and actively participate in all of her communities!
Ken Wolff
The Soaring Eagle Team
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