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Don Evans

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I Will Give You $9.00 If You Will Test Genius 1000 To See If It Works!
5/5/2012 3:12:02 PM
I Know YOU Can Make Money With Genius 1000!

In Fact, I Am Willing To Spend $9.00 Of My Own Money To Get You Registered
And Activate Your Accunt, so you can start making money right away. That way, You
Can Test It Out For Yourself To Make Sure It Works for YOU Before
You Spend
ANY Of Your Own Money!
Please see "I Am Paying It Forward" below.

So, no matter what you are doing now, stay with me and I will tell you about our
revolutionary new kind of PASSIVE INCOME (No Work For You To Do)
program where I know without a shadow of a doubt that IF you have a little bit
of money to work with, you can make money, and lots of it! However, first, I need
to make sure you understand that ...

There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch In Business!

You see free this, and free that everywhere you look under "Business Opportunity"
Or "How To Make Money" on the internet with headlines like headlines like: "Free
Membership & Big Paychecks!". Or, "No Cost To You, Now Or Ever! Or, any
other headline emphasizing that there is no cost to you. But, do you know what?
That old saying that "it takes money to make money" is absolutely true. There is no
such thing as a free lunch in business. You can bet that they are going to want you
to spend some money along the way for one thing or another before you can get paid.
Either that, or try to sponsor some new members who do spend money and qualify
to get paid that way. AND that don't work very well either.

What Does It Cost To Get Started With Genius 1000?

For a ONE TIME cost of only $7 to set up your account, and a subscription cost of
$2.00 per week, you will be in a position to
get back ONE THOUSAND dollars for
every $2.00 you spend
to purchase a position on Line 1 of the program.

Actually, there is NO COST to get signed up. However, after you get signed up,
you will have only 48 hours to pay that ONE TIME admin cost of $7.00, and enter
your $2.00 per week subscription or your account will be deleted.

How Much Money Can You Make?

The best answer to that question is for me to ask you how much money you want to
make? Or, how much money can you afford to spend right now? Because, you will get
back $1,000 for every $2.00 you spend on that weekly subscription, AND you can
also buy more positions at any time. The more money you spend on line 1 positions, the
more money you make.
There is absolutely NO LIMIT TO YOUR EARNINGS!

Other Ways To Make Money With Genius 1000!

That $2.00 subscription and those line 1 positions are really just a place to start.You
get back $1,000 for ever $2.00 you spend. That's a real good deal! So, I encourage
you to get signed up and get started. However, it gets better. A whole lot better!
will not be able to see the rest this until after you have signed up and activated your
account and can log into the members back office. So, as soon as you have activated
your account, be sure to check out the special lines "Linda Cromwell", the Admin set
up (at the request of curent members)
for those who spend $9 to test this for themselves
to make sure it works, and then decide to stay with us for the long term. Look for
"The Weekend Only Line", "The 14 Day Club", "The Catalyst", and "Genius
All of those are working really, really well for current members and are set
up especially for people who have a little bit more money to work with and want to see
those Big Paychecks come in a whole lot faster! And still, it gets better.

New Genius Master Line Added On 1 May, 2012

Linda is a real professional. She puts herself right up front too. Not hiding behind
some website where you have no real contact with the Admin. She listens to what
we say too, and is very responsive to member ideas and suggestions.

For example, people really like those TWO Genius Master lines. I do too! However,
some of our members simply cannot afford to do that right now. The cost for line 1
is $20. The cost for line 2 is $50. So, once again, at the request of current members,
We now have a new Genius Master Line that cycles just like the other two (where 4
positions will cycle out the top person, EXCEPT that it only costs $7.50, AND when
you cycle, you are given a position in Genius Master line 1. That is pure genius! I am
glad to be here, and I invite you to join us.

I Am Paying It Forward.

While you are thinking about this, think about the fact that we are just getting started,
with just over 400 members right now, and the more people who hear about this, the
better we are ALL going to do. I started when we had 253 members, and I have
invested $600 in this program, a little here, and a little there during the 6 weeks since
I first signed up. As of right now, I have $491 in my AlertPay account that I have
cashed out during this last few days. That means that as soon as I have cashed out
another $109, I will be in profit from that point on, and I expect that to happen within
the next few days. I am all set up to receive lots and lots of small payments along the
way no matter what I do. And, soon now,
I will also start getting a whole lot of
$1,000 payments even if I never sponsor anyone. Genius 1000 works!!

I want you to see how well it works. Take the time to visit the website, and get signed
up. Remember, you only have 48 hours to activate your account or it will be deleted,
so as soon as you have signed up, get back to me and I will send you $9.00 from
my AlertPay account to yours.
That will cover the one time administrative cost, and
your subscription for the first week.

The Genius 1000 Forum.

After you get signed up, be sure to visit the new forum that Genius 1000 just set up
where members can meet and learn from each other, and we already have some
people there who are earning the Big Paychecks!
How can you possibly go wrong
with a deal like that?

NOTE: This offer is good for 3 days after I send this message. If you have not signed
up by 8 May, I will assume you are not interested.

Don Evans


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