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Linda Miller

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Re: Make Your Goals Count in 2006
1/6/2006 11:01:39 AM
Thank you Cheri. I love anything Jim Rohn has to say! :) Over the last several years I have been learning to be quiet more... and it makes a huge difference. I have heard it said that prayer is talking TO God and meditation is LISTENING to God. I meditate a lot more now. O m m m m m m m
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Cheri Merz

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Re: Make Your Goals Count in 2006
1/6/2006 12:05:09 PM
Janise, Luella, Wayne, Dan and Linda, Thanks for coming to visit and thanks for your comments. I'm so glad you enjoyed the article. Linda, thanks especially for that distinction between prayer and meditation. It's spot on. Thanks to the Holosync cds I obtained from your website, I'm doing more of the latter, now, too. My family is beginning to notice how much more peaceful my life has become, as well. It's been a great blessing. I recommend it to everyone! I'm hoping your web address is in your sig, as I'm in a bit of a hurry at this moment. If it isn't, feel free to post a reply with a link so everyone can have access to this great tool. Cheri