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Update On IntGold
1/5/2006 8:21:55 PM
I received an email from a frienfd of mine today that is a CEO of an online business and he said to tell everyone that IntGold is gone for good! The FBI investigated and has shut them down permanently. I guess there is suppose to be more info about this somewhere online, but I have not had a chance to check it out yet. If I find an article for y'all to read I will post it later on! I hope no one here had any money left in your account with them. Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Update On IntGold
1/5/2006 8:58:39 PM
But I am able to Login ti Intgold Site Marilyn.
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Re: Update On IntGold
1/5/2006 9:17:06 PM
I had heard about this and this does not surprise me at all. E-Gold is still having issues and problems too. Thanks Marilyn, Your Friend,
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Re: Update On IntGold
1/5/2006 9:51:41 PM
Maybe you should post who your friend is and what business he is CEO of so that we can judge the credibility of his statements. It would probably be best that you verify the veracity of the report before you pass it on, lest your credibility be damaged as well. There is no news on the site and I am still able to access my account.
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Re: Update On IntGold
1/5/2006 10:02:31 PM
Yes.. I heard about the whole ebullion situation being a problem in general because of mafia money and illegal funding of members (not the companies), which alot of people get confused about. So I don't know if there will be a problem with Egold or any of the other precious metal exchanges. That's what I started an Adland thread about Greenzap because it's not looking good for precious metals. So far my veretekk system is using Greenzap. So maybe 12dailypro will use Greenzap.
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