Hi Myrna and Roger,
Seems I will have to stop posting other Thomas Cole's paintingss for the time being; I am afraid my screen has been looking like this for the last couple of days days (see below) and I can hardly write on my keyboard at present, let alone see images clearly. I could even have to replace it, I mean my monitor, for a newer one and this might take a few more days.
And Roger, I cannot agree more with you on your last observations about Thomas Cole. He certainly "catches the light on each occassion and captures the mood and the scene most accurately and on each occassion, and there is in his paintings that special something that is missing from a photograph, it's memory and invention and a little of the artists soul...." Unfortunately, until I can do something about this problem I will not be able to perceive any of these things - not even approximately. So see you in a couple of days; I really hope it will not take longer.
Quote: Hi Miguel,
You and roger are really getting me into these paintings.Yes I can see the mountain peck to the upper left I just noticed something on this one that I did not see before. The trees to the left are bent over like a mighty wind coming from the entrance of the cave Exciting
