I wasn't really a big fanatic of traffic-exchanges before I joined ClickTrackProfit, I'd tried multi-site surfing before and it gets tiresome, as we know, but the badges on all the NerdSurf sites are fun and it maintains our attention and enthusiasm! I'm glad to have achieved the 500 NerdSurf badge numerous times recently from surfing 4 exchanges at once, there have been times when I've done 7 exchanges at once. The "D Batteries" available at CTP also make it all worthwhile because then we can get double credits for an hour at our choices of 7 different traffic-exchanges! I'm thrilled that with the help I've received from CTP training, I've been able to gain lots of credits at numerous traffic-exchanges and my sites have been displayed more than ever before, I've gained well over 14,000 views to this video site http://my.gvovideo.com/kcvan09/HomebasedIncome/ within the past few weeks, and lots more tour-takers daily than ever before (and paid signups!) Thanks, CTP! If you want more traffic and more fun getting it, I highly recommend the training at ClickTrackProfit, it's fun, there are lots of short videos, and you can join it FREE! http://clicktrackprofit.com/?referer=kcvan ![](http://max.clicktrackprofit.com/images/ns500.png)