
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Bean-Spilling Review of ClickTrackProfit:
4/24/2012 5:19:48 PM

100 badges? Admitting you have a badge addiction is the first step on the road (to recovery?) toward MORE BADGES!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Bean-Spilling Review of ClickTrackProfit:
4/25/2012 3:22:51 AM
Over $34,500 paid out to members so far, JUST in commissions for ClickTrackProfit itself, that's not counting commissions earned for all the referrals to...

Over 61,000 more referrals have been made to dozens of other sites thru the CTP system (to the businesses in the downline builders within the CTP training videos!)

The training videos have been played over 195,000 times!


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Bean-Spilling Review of ClickTrackProfit:
4/25/2012 8:32:32 PM

Thanks to Jon Olson, one of the TimTech-ers, for retweeting my tweet of this thread yesterday!

If you haven't seen the interior of ClickTrackProfit yet, take a look around, it's FREE and there are lots of great (short) videos about gaining traffic from lots of different sites, which can ultimately bring you multi-stream income! :)

Thanks to those of you who've joined already! CTP is bringing me more traffic BECAUSE I took action and I use a lot of the recommended traffic-exchanges AND use the social networking aspects of those sites :)

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Bean-Spilling Review of ClickTrackProfit:
4/26/2012 5:22:32 AM

Does TimTech suck?

What sites are under the TimTech umbrella?

ClickTrackProfit, the hub of activity, it's video training and multi downline building:

These are social-networking traffic-exchanges, they have chat features! You can also win tons of great badges while surfing.

I Love Hits, this is owned by Jon Olson up there :)

StartXchange, run by Tim Linden for about 10 years:

Sweeva, surf then bid your credits, the highest bidder wins the ad slot of their chosen day & time.

ThumbVu, click your favorite person's face while surfing, tons of busy & almost famous onliners to choose from...

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Bean-Spilling Review of ClickTrackProfit:
4/29/2012 4:15:54 PM

I wasn't really a big fanatic of traffic-exchanges before I joined ClickTrackProfit, I'd tried multi-site surfing before and it gets tiresome, as we know, but the badges on all the NerdSurf sites are fun and it maintains our attention and enthusiasm! I'm glad to have achieved the 500 NerdSurf badge numerous times recently from surfing 4 exchanges at once, there have been times when I've done 7 exchanges at once.

The "D Batteries" available at CTP also make it all worthwhile because then we can get double credits for an hour at our choices of 7 different traffic-exchanges!

I'm thrilled that with the help I've received from CTP training, I've been able to gain lots of credits at numerous traffic-exchanges and my sites have been displayed more than ever before, I've gained well over 14,000 views to this video site within the past few weeks, and lots more tour-takers daily than ever before (and paid signups!) Thanks, CTP!

If you want more traffic and more fun getting it, I highly recommend the training at ClickTrackProfit, it's fun, there are lots of short videos, and you can join it FREE!

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