
Don Evans

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No Recruiting Required To Earn Big Paychecks!
3/20/2012 9:38:15 AM

I know you have your own reason for being here, and that probably does not
include getting messages from me. Still, I hope you will stay with me a minute
while I tell you about Genius 1000, the exciting new program that just launched
on the 15th of March.

"Linda Cromwell", the Admin there has solved virtually all of the problems with
every other networking company or program on the internet today by creating a
very LOW COST program where ANYONE can afford to participate, and ALL
members have a very REAL opportunity to earn some real big paychecks
(like 2, or 3 THOUSAND dollars per week
and more!), within the first few
weeks after they get signed up, with absolutely No Recruiting Required!

I want you to know though that there is a ONE TIME COST of $7.00 to get
started, PLUS a weekly subscription of $2,00.
Don't let that stop you though!
You will see free this and free that, all over the internet when you are looking at
almost any kind of financial opportunity. But do you know what? That old saying
that "You have to spend money to make money" is absolutely true, and that is
only peanuts compared to how much money you can make here. Take the time
to visit the website below and read all about it. I promise you that you will be
absolutely amazed at how fast this revolutionary new kind of pay plan works
to help you make money!

You can read all about it, AND sign up here:

Don Evans

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