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Re: StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/6/2006 1:13:00 PM
Thanks for the info. I use Stormclix to pay for some little upgrades to 12dailypro.
Nap Jones

Stop working for pennies and cents and move up to real good commissions
Re: StormPay! Are you using it right?
1/7/2006 7:02:18 PM
Hello to all who have posted positive comments to my porum. Trina,I'm sorry to hear of your problems, have you been in contact with the StormPay Admin to find out how & why your account was closed? I have always found them very good with dealing with any problems & for retrieving money from scam programs that have tried to con us out of money. Some of you posted that you did not know you could log-in every hour. Well some days I do not log out at all, I check the Stormclix every 15 mins or less (if you leave it longer you time out) It is suprising how often the adverts are added to StormClix. As you are paid for them by whatever price the individual has set for the adverts, you can surf all day long if you have the time (& patience). Do not think that you can only log in once a day, like the Paid to surf programs, this is your paid surfing, for being a member of Stormpay. Like I stated originally, to get the best of the Stormclix, get NetIBA certified $19.95 is a small price for not only getting your website NetIBA certified (if you have your own website or business) but to be able to earn $30-$40 or more a moth from StormClix, without any other payment. After all, you will get the $19.95 back, with interest in your first month of being NetIBA certified As well as getting the lower rate for using StormPay to recieve or make payments. Your security friend in Las Vegas.

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